Model: MTS200 (1U)
Doc. Ref. no. : - m08/om/201
Issue no.: 03
Page 139 of 195
User’s Manual
Step 2
: Now, transfer the files from PC where IFF key is stored to MTS200 where keys are to be installed
by below command.
scp /path*/
ntpkey_iffkey_MTS200 /etc/ntp/ntpkey_iffkey_MTS200
where, path is the local folder path where Trusted Server MTS200 keys are stored.
Step 3
: Now take SSH connection of MTS200 where keys are need to be installed and create the
required links for key.
For establishing SSH connection,
Then, remove old autokeys files if any ntp folder,
–rf /etc/ntp/
Now, create MTS200 server ntp IFF private and public key using below command in ntp keys
folder as given below.
–H –p cryptopasswd
wheren, cryptopasswd is the password used to generate the ntp clients keys and same password
should be entered in client ntp.conf file as explained in next step.
and then to create link with Trusted server keys, follow below commands.
–s /etc/ntp/ntpkey_iffkey_MTS200 /etc/ntp/ntpkey_iffkey_MTS200
Step 4:
Now restart the NTP service using console based configuration utility or webserver.
After changes to NTP Autokey IFF parameters are done, NTP service
need to be restarted in order to changes to be in effect. User can
check the configuration by using “show ntp.conf” file option in
webserver or option “1” in NTP main menu in console based
configuration utility.
NTP client will only sync with MTS200 only server when autokey
password at MTS200 server is same as autokey password at
MTS200 trusted server side.