Model: MTS200 (1U)
Doc. Ref. no. : m08/om/201
Issue no. : 03
User’s Manual
Page 132 of 195
Page 132 of 195
Step 4
: User need to set the crypto password in ntp.conf file. This crypto password should be same as
the password used to generate autokey PC keys in MTS200 Trusted Server side.
This can be set by webserver mode
in Security page in filed “NTP Autokey Password” and then
click on “Submit Password”.
Step 6:
Now restart the NTP service using console based configuration utility or webserver.
After changes to NTP Autokey PC parameters are done, NTP service
need to be restarted in order to changes to be in effect. User can
check the configuration by using “show ntp.conf” file option in
webserver or option “1” in NTP main menu in console based
configuration utility.
NTP client will only sync with MTS200 only server when autokey
password at MTS200 server is same as autokey password at
MTS200 trusted server side. NTP Autokey IFF Scheme:
In IFF scheme, there is Trusted Authority (TA) which generated the IFF parameters, private key and
public key for IFF based ntp network. User can make MTS200 as TA by using Trusted Server option in
webserver and selecting IFF scheme in webserver security page or any one of multiple MTS200
connected in a single network as TA.
Now, the IFF parameters key has to be copied to ntp clients machine using secure means. Without a
private key, a client cannot masquerade a TA and hence, could not create threat to TA NTP server
Below figure represents the general architecture of NTP IFF TA, server and client keys generation and
distribution network.
Using IFF scheme, three types of keys are generated at MTS200 acting as TA. This are Private key,
public certificate and IFF parameter file. The IFF parameter key generated by MTS200 acting as TA has
to be distributed to all other servers and clients in network and user need to install the soft link in normal
ntp server and ntp clients to this TA IFF key file.
After that, user need to generate the IFF private key and public key at each normal NTP server and ntp
client using password same or different as used in MTS200 TA unit.