Model: MTS200 (1U)
Doc. Ref. no. : - m08/om/201
Issue no.: 03
Page 47 of 195
User’s Manual
Serial Time frame T-format, GPZDA and GPGGA are transmitted at every 1 second while NGTS time
frame is transmitted at every 1 minute. Refer section 11.1 for detail description of each time string.
As shown above, “LEFT” and “RIGHT” key are used to change setting of HOUR MODE. “OK” key will
save the setting and “ESC” key will reject new setting and keep old value of this parameter in effect and
come out of configuration MENU mode to RUN mode.
MTS200 provides its internal clock time information on LCD display, SNMP status and webserver home
page. This time information can be set for UTC or LOCAL timezone. LOCAL time depends on UTC time +
timezone set.
As shown above, “LEFT” and “RIGHT” key are used to change setting of HOUR MODE. “OK” key will
save the setting and “ESC” key will reject new setting and keep old value of this parameter in effect and
come out of configuration MENU mode to RUN mode.
MTS200 displays time information on first line of LCD display whereas other various parameters such as
date, COM2 terminal serial format, GPS receiver information, LOCK/UNLOCK status, set timezone , DST
ON/OFF status, Day of Year are displayed on second line of LCD display in fixed in rotation at a fixed
interval. This interval is configured in seconds and can be changed by user. If this interval is set to value
“0”, then the auto-rotation of parameters on second line of LCD display will stop and only Date information
will be displayed on second line of LCD display.
Below method explains to configure this Display Update Rate.