User Manual 1335.7898.02 ─ 08
Remote command:
[Force Trigger]
Provokes an immediate single acquisition. Use this key if the acquisition is running in
normal mode and no valid trigger occurs. Thus, you can confirm that a signal is availa-
ble and use the waveform display to determine how to trigger on it.
Remote command:
[Run Stop]
Starts and stops the continuous acquisition. A green light indicates a running acquisi-
tion. A red light shows that acquisition is stopped.
The status is shown also at the right end of the information bar: "Run", "Complete",
"Trig?" (waiting for trigger, in normal trigger mode) or "Not ready" (working). For slow
timebases, the status "Pre" or "Post" is shown together with an indicator that shows the
filling level of the buffer.
Remote command:
[ Single]
Starts a specified number of acquisitions. A white light indicates that the instrument is
in single mode. The information bar shows "Complete" if the acquisition has been fin-
To set the number of acquisitions, press the [Acquisition] key and enter "Nx
Remote command:
Shortcuts for trigger settings
To adjust the trigger source, mode, and trigger type specific settings, you can use the
shortcuts on the top of the display. The labels show the current values.
Shortcuts for trigger settings