Configuring LASAIR II Communications
Configuring LASAIR II Communications
LASAIR II Operator’s Manual
LASAIR II Operator’s Manual
For details about changing the Enable TCP/IP check box, see “Preparing
For details about changing the Enable TCP/IP check box, see “Preparing
LASAIR II and Facility Net
and Facility Net for On-Line
for On-Line Operation” on page
Operation” on page 7-10.
See “Using LASAIR II
See “Using LASAIR II in Remote Mode” on page
in Remote Mode” on page 7-7 and “Preparing LASAIR
7-7 and “Preparing LASAIR
II for use i
II for use in Remote Mode” on page
n Remote Mode” on page 7-7 for more details
7-7 for more details about using the
about using the
LASAIR II in Remote mode and information regarding Facility Net
LASAIR II in Remote mode and information regarding Facility Net
To support pharmaceutical operations, LASAIR II can be configured to
To support pharmaceutical operations, LASAIR II can be configured to
generate 0.5 and 5.0
generate 0.5 and 5.0
m channel data only. For more information, see Appendix
m channel data only. For more information, see Appendix
H, "Pharmaceutical (Two-channel) Output Mode".
H, "Pharmaceutical (Two-channel) Output Mode".
Serial Communication Setup Screen
Serial Communication Setup Screen
This screen allows selection of the RS-232 port interface protocol, and other
This screen allows selection of the RS-232 port interface protocol, and other
serial communications selections. Changes in serial interface mode are
serial communications selections. Changes in serial interface mode are accepted
immediately, without the ne
, without the need to reboot
ed to reboot the instrument.
the instrument.
Mode —
Mode —
This group box contains radio buttons which allow selecting one of
This group box contains radio buttons which allow selecting one of
five different uses for the RS-232
five different uses for the RS-232 serial port. Each button
serial port. Each button is described below.
is described below.
This function is for service, and does not provide
This function is for service, and does not provide any user functions. In
any user functions. In
earlier versions of LASAIR
earlier versions of LASAIR II firmware (V
II firmware (Ver. 1.3.4 and before),
er. 1.3.4 and before), this was labeled
this was labeled
“LASAIR II”. The instrument can be left in this mode, if there is no
“LASAIR II”. The instrument can be left in this mode, if there is no need to use
need to use
the serial communications.
the serial communications.
This sets the serial port to the native LASAIR II communications
This sets the serial port to the native LASAIR II communications
mode. In older
mode. In older firmware (V
firmware (Ver. 1.3.4 and earlier) the
er. 1.3.4 and earlier) the “LASAIR II” title was
“LASAIR II” title was used
to refer to the “Setup” mode
to refer to the “Setup” mode mentioned above. This mode allows starting and
mentioned above. This mode allows starting and
stopping the instrument, collecting data, and setting various configuration
stopping the instrument, collecting data, and setting various configuration
parameters. The protocol
The protocol is
is similar,
similar, but not
but not identical t
identical to the
o the older LASAI
older LASAIR s
R serial
communications. Full details for this p
communications. Full details for this protocol are provided
rotocol are provided in Appendix G
in Appendix G,,
"LASAIR II Native Serial (RS-2332) Communications".
"LASAIR II Native Serial (RS-2332) Communications".
Figure 7-3: Comm Setup Screen-Serial Page
Figure 7-3: Comm Setup Screen-Serial Page