Page 7-6
II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Chapter 7: Operation with a PC, Facility Net, or Pharmaceutical Net
Chapter 7: Operation with a PC, Facility Net, or Pharmaceutical Net
PMS Multi-Drop
PMS Multi-Drop
This communications protocol is designed to be u
This communications protocol is designed to be used in a
sed in a
party-line environment such as an RS-485 system. Each instrument must have
party-line environment such as an RS-485 system. Each instrument must have
a unique address.
a unique address. See the “PMS
See the “PMS Addr.” setting below
Addr.” setting below. This protocol a
. This protocol also
provides MiniLaz
provides MiniLaz emulation when communicating
emulation when communicating with a
with a serial port
serial port to Facility
to Facility
Net. Details
Details of
of using
using this
this mode for
mode for MiniLaz
MiniLaz emulation
emulation are
are explained later
explained later in
in this
chapter. Details of the protocol are found
chapter. Details of the protocol are found in Appendix F, "PMS Multi-Drop
in Appendix F, "PMS Multi-Drop
Protocol (MiniLaz Emulation)".
Protocol (MiniLaz Emulation)".
TouchRam Read
TouchRam Read
This setting configures the
This setting configures the serial port to use
serial port to use T
memory buttons. These buttons can be
memory buttons. These buttons can be used to store location and sampling
used to store location and sampling
parameters for t
for the LASAIR
II. For additional
For additional details,
details, see “Comm
see “Comm Setup -
Setup - Serial
Screen” on page
Screen” on page 5-23 and
5-23 and Appendix M, "T
Appendix M, "TouchRam".
TouchRam Read/Write
TouchRam Read/Write
This is a second setting for communicating with
This is a second setting for communicating with
TouchRam memory buttons. In this setting the buttons can be programed as
TouchRam memory buttons. In this setting the buttons can be programed as
well as read. For additional details, see “Comm S
well as read. For additional details, see “Comm Setup - Serial Screen” on
etup - Serial Screen” on
page 5-23 and Appendix M, "TouchRam".
5-23 and Appendix M, "TouchRam".
Other Settings —
Other Settings —
SIO Baud
SIO Baud
This sets the baud rate for all RS-232
This sets the baud rate for all RS-232 protocols except for the
protocols except for the
TouchRam modes (which ignore the
ouchRam modes (which ignore the setting). The baud can be
setting). The baud can be adjusted from
adjusted from
1200 to 38400.
1200 to 38400.
PMS Addr
PMS Addr
This is the multi-drop address used when the
This is the multi-drop address used when the instrument is in PMS
instrument is in PMS
Multi-Drop mode. The address can be set in
Multi-Drop mode. The address can be set in the range of 0–99. The
the range of 0–99. The setting has
setting has
no effect in any other communication mode. The address must be unique if
no effect in any other communication mode. The address must be unique if
multiple instruments are configured on an RS-485 system.
multiple instruments are configured on an RS-485 system.
The following communication parameters are fixed, and cannot be adjusted:
The following communication parameters are fixed, and cannot be adjusted:
Parity: none
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Stop bits: 1
Data bits: 8
Data bits: 8
Flow Control: depends on protocol. “LASAIR II” mode
Flow Control: depends on protocol. “LASAIR II” mode uses software flow
uses software flow
control (CTRL-Q/CTRL-S). “PMS Multi-Drop” mode does not have flow
control (CTRL-Q/CTRL-S). “PMS Multi-Drop” mode does not have flow
The instructions in this chapter a
The instructions in this chapter assume that you are familiar with using
ssume that you are familiar with using
either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator browser
either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator browser
For the remainder of this chapter, “Facility Net” will also refer to
For the remainder of this chapter, “Facility Net” will also refer to
Pharmaceutical Net.
Pharmaceutical Net.
For more information, see Appendix B, "Conne
For more information, see Appendix B, "Connecting to a Computer or
cting to a Computer or