Page 10-4
II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Chapter 10: Maintenance
Chapter 10: Maintenance
If it is important to maintain the maximum correlation between the
If it is important to maintain the maximum correlation between the battery
charge indicator and the actual battery charge, you
charge indicator and the actual battery charge, you can also purchase and use
can also purchase and use the
optional external battery charger (BC II). See Appendix K,
optional external battery charger (BC II). See Appendix K, "Accessories and
"Accessories and
Supplies". When the BC II senses the
Supplies". When the BC II senses the need, it will automatically recondition the
need, it will automatically recondition the
battery. When reinstalled, the reconditioned battery will communicate the
. When reinstalled, the reconditioned battery will communicate the
correct charge level to
correct charge level to the battery charge indicator.
the battery charge indicator.
Battery Disposal
Battery Disposal
At end-of-life, batteries should be recycled
At end-of-life, batteries should be recycled or discarded safely. Discarding batteries
or discarded safely. Discarding batteries
in unsorted waste is improper disposal, and may
in unsorted waste is improper disposal, and may be harmful to the environment and
be harmful to the environment and
human health. Your local waste authority will have information on return and
human health. Your local waste authority will have information on return and
collection systems in your area.
collection systems in your area.
For California consumers, contact Particle Measuring Systems, Customer Service
For California consumers, contact Particle Measuring Systems, Customer Service
Department at (877)-475-3317 for instructions on returning used, rechargeable
Department at (877)-475-3317 for instructions on returning used, rechargeable
batteries for reuse, recycling, or proper disposal at no cost.
batteries for reuse, recycling, or proper disposal at no cost.
Calibration should be performed once each year. LASAIR II performs a
Calibration should be performed once each year. LASAIR II performs a
calibration date check each time it is energized. If the current date is within 30
calibration date check each time it is energized. If the current date is within 30
days or less of the anniversary of the last calibration, a
days or less of the anniversary of the last calibration, a warning message will be
warning message will be
The warning is displayed only
The warning is displayed only on the main LCD
on the main LCD display
display. It is not shown
. It is not shown on the
on the
Web server. If the calibration date past
eb server. If the calibration date past due, (365 days
due, (365 days since the last calibration
since the last calibration
date), the message will include the number of days the calibration is past due.
date), the message will include the number of days the calibration is past due.
The instrument also notifies the user if no calibration date is saved.
The instrument also notifies the user if no calibration date is saved.
Figure 10-1: Calibration Warning Dialog Box
Figure 10-1: Calibration Warning Dialog Box