Recipe Use with the Web Server (i.e. Using Internet Explorer)
Recipe Use with the Web Server (i.e. Using Internet Explorer)
Uploading and Downloading Files
Uploading and Downloading Files
A second recipe setup page, is devoted to uploading and downloading files.
A second recipe setup page, is devoted to uploading and downloading files.
Figure 9-5, shows
9-5, shows the “T
the “Transfer Files
ransfer Files” page.
” page.
To open the Unloading-Downloading page:
To open the Unloading-Downloading page:
From the Recipes web page, click on the diskette icon.
From the Recipes web page, click on the diskette icon.
The following three files can be uploaded
The following three files can be uploaded and downloaded from this page:
and downloaded from this page:
Location name files
Location name files
: The location file is a text file with e
: The location file is a text file with each line containing a
ach line containing a
single location name. The first line contains the number of location names in
single location name. The first line contains the number of location names in
the file. The location names must start at the beginning of the line. The file can
the file. The location names must start at the beginning of the line. The file can
be edited with a text editor
be edited with a text editor..
Recipe files
Recipe files
: The recipe file is a binary
: The recipe file is a binary file that cannot be edited on
file that cannot be edited on the PC.
the PC.
The file has checksum protection to prevent corruption of the recipes. Recipe
The file has checksum protection to prevent corruption of the recipes. Recipe
edits must be done on a LASAIR II.
edits must be done on a LASAIR II.
Location/recipe associations
Location/recipe associations
: This is a text file in CSV (comma separated
: This is a text file in CSV (comma separated
values) format. Each line of the file contains a
values) format. Each line of the file contains a location name then a c
location name then a comma,
then the recipe name. If the recipe name is blank, then when the file is loaded,
then the recipe name. If the recipe name is blank, then when the file is loaded,
any associated recipe will be removed from the location.
any associated recipe will be removed from the location. This file can be edited
This file can be edited
using a text editor or Microsoft Excel, and then
using a text editor or Microsoft Excel, and then saved as a CSV file.
saved as a CSV file.