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II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Chapter 3: Controls and Displays
Chapter 3: Controls and Displays
Many areas of the screen change
Many areas of the screen change during operation to reflect real-time status.
during operation to reflect real-time status.
These changes are
These changes are discussed in the sections that
discussed in the sections that follow
Sampling Data Area
Sampling Data Area
: When the LASAIR II is first turned on, no particle
: When the LASAIR II is first turned on, no particle
counts are shown. Once you start sampling, the particle counts are displayed.
counts are shown. Once you start sampling, the particle counts are displayed.
When the sampling has completed, the final counts for that sample are shown
When the sampling has completed, the final counts for that sample are shown
on the main display screen. These results will remain until the next sampling
on the main display screen. These results will remain until the next sampling
is performed. At that time, the columns will reset to zero in
is performed. At that time, the columns will reset to zero in preparation for
preparation for
the next set of data.
the next set of data.
Top Reporting
op Reporting Banner
: When the Start key is pressed, the Initial Delay
: When the Start key is pressed, the Initial Delay
countdown will begin. An hourglass will appear to the
countdown will begin. An hourglass will appear to the left of the pre-
left of the pre-
sampling countdown time.
sampling countdown time.
When the Initial Delay time reaches 0, sampling b
When the Initial Delay time reaches 0, sampling begins. The sample time
egins. The sample time
counts down to zero from the sample
counts down to zero from the sample time you have set. A clock
time you have set. A clock symbol is
symbol is
displayed to the left of the sample
displayed to the left of the sample time.
If your sample is by volume, a beaker will appear in the upper left part of the
If your sample is by volume, a beaker will appear in the upper left part of the
Main Display Screen and the sample countdown will be by the volume
Main Display Screen and the sample countdown will be by the volume
When the sample is completed, a check mark (
When the sample is completed, a check mark (
) will appear to the left of
) will appear to the left of
the clock or the be
the clock or the beaker, which is to the left of the sampling time (or volume).
aker, which is to the left of the sampling time (or volume).
If the sample run was invalid, the check
If the sample run was invalid, the check mark will have a red “X”
mark will have a red “X” over it.
over it.
Bottom Reporting Banner
Bottom Reporting Banner
: In the bottom banner, the battery status is
: In the bottom banner, the battery status is
displayed as a percentage of a
displayed as a percentage of a full charge. When the battery is discharging
full charge. When the battery is discharging
(that is, the unit is not plugged in
(that is, the unit is not plugged in to an electrical outlet), the number will be
to an electrical outlet), the number will be
negative. If the battery is charging, the number
negative. If the battery is charging, the number will be positive. This
will be positive. This
information is real time.
information is real time.
When sampling, the Pump symbol comes out of its grey, inactive state. An
When sampling, the Pump symbol comes out of its grey, inactive state. An
airflow rate will appear next to the Pump symbol. If the airflow alters more
airflow rate will appear next to the Pump symbol. If the airflow alters more
than +5% from one cubic foot per minute during sampling, a red “X” will
than +5% from one cubic foot per minute during sampling, a red “X” will
appear over the pump symbol. The red “X” indicates an invalid sample run.
appear over the pump symbol. The red “X” indicates an invalid sample run.
The Laser symbol is also activated when
The Laser symbol is also activated when sampling. It should turn red to show
sampling. It should turn red to show
that it is on and functioning properly. If the laser is drawing too much or too
that it is on and functioning properly. If the laser is drawing too much or too
little power, a red “X” will appear over the Laser symbol to
little power, a red “X” will appear over the Laser symbol to indicate an
indicate an
invalid sample.
invalid sample.
The padlock icon is the symbol for a user password. When no password has
The padlock icon is the symbol for a user password. When no password has
been set, the padlock is greyed out. If a password has been entered, the
been set, the padlock is greyed out. If a password has been entered, the
padlock i
padlock icon takes
con takes on t
on the col
he color
or blue. I
blue. If
f the
the password
password has
has been entered
been entered but
but not
enabled, the padlock icon is open. If the password has been enabled, the
enabled, the padlock icon is open. If the password has been enabled, the
padlock icon is closed and highlighted.
padlock icon is closed and highlighted.
If the LASAIR II stops because of low battery power, charge the battery
If the LASAIR II stops because of low battery power, charge the battery
immediately. A Nickel-metal-hydride battery that
. A Nickel-metal-hydride battery that remains uncharged for
remains uncharged for
several weeks will lose ad
several weeks will lose additional charge due to
ditional charge due to its chemistry
its chemistry. Allowing the
. Allowing the
battery to fully discharge may damage it and cause it to be unchargeable.
battery to fully discharge may damage it and cause it to be unchargeable.