Page 7-18
II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Chapter 7: Operation with a PC, Facility Net, or Pharmaceutical Net
Chapter 7: Operation with a PC, Facility Net, or Pharmaceutical Net
The web browser Setup
The web browser Setup page is different from the setup screens on the
page is different from the setup screens on the LASAIR
II in a few important ways.
II in a few important ways.
Radio buttons:
Radio buttons:
the options on setup windows are chosen by activating the
the options on setup windows are chosen by activating the
radio button associated with the choice. Click in
radio button associated with the choice. Click in an empty radio button to
an empty radio button to
choose the option associated with it.
choose the option associated with it.
Parameter V
The parameter values are changed by using a pull-down
The parameter values are changed by using a pull-down
menu or by clicking an increment button.
menu or by clicking an increment button.
Setting the Sampling Size parameters:
Setting the Sampling Size parameters:
If the Sampling Size type you want
If the Sampling Size type you want
to use is not selected (volume or time), click
to use is not selected (volume or time), click in the radio button associated
in the radio button associated
with the type
with the type (Time or V
(Time or Volume) you want
olume) you want to use. A
to use. A large dot will appear in
large dot will appear in
the radio button you choose, and the other radio button will be cleared.
the radio button you choose, and the other radio button will be cleared.