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II Operator’s
Operator’s Manual
Chapter 3: Controls and Displays
Chapter 3: Controls and Displays
On the right side of the screen, no
On the right side of the screen, notice a column of icons. Each
tice a column of icons. Each setup screen,
setup screen,
display screen or function is represented by an icon. Each icon is associated with
display screen or function is represented by an icon. Each icon is associated with
the softkey to its right. When you press the softkey to the right an icon, the
the softkey to its right. When you press the softkey to the right an icon, the
screen for that icon is displayed.
screen for that icon is displayed.
General Guidelines for Screen Navigation
General Guidelines for Screen Navigation
No matter what screen you are viewing, the following general rules will help
No matter what screen you are viewing, the following general rules will help
you navigate:
you navigate:
If you want to go to
If you want to go to another screen, identify its icon and press its softkey.
another screen, identify its icon and press its softkey.
To move back out
o move back out of a screen, press the top softkey beside
of a screen, press the top softkey beside the Back
the Back
Screen icon.
Screen icon.
If a screen can be edited, you will see a pencil icon in the upper left
If a screen can be edited, you will see a pencil icon in the upper left
part of the screen.
part of the screen.
A screen that can be edited opens in the Display Mode. The screen must be
A screen that can be edited opens in the Display Mode. The screen must be
set to Edit Mode before you can change an input field.
set to Edit Mode before you can change an input field.
To change an input
o change an input field, enter Edit Mode by pressing the blue
field, enter Edit Mode by pressing the blue Enter
button. Y
button. You will
ou will notice that
notice that edit icons
edit icons for
for that s
that screen will
creen will appear by
appear by the
Use the
the Return
Return Arrow
Arrow softkey
to exit
exit Edit
Edit Mode.
Mode. The
The Return
Return Arrow
Arrow is
always the top icon in the column.
always the top icon in the column.
Display Screens
Display Screens
The LASAIR II has the following display screens:
The LASAIR II has the following display screens:
Main Display Screen
Main Display Screen
shows sampling data, as well as some key
shows sampling data, as well as some key status
and alarm information.
and alarm information.
Data Table Screen
Data Table Screen
displays all stored data. In this screen, da
displays all stored data. In this screen, data can be
ta can be
filtered to display only what you are interested in. The data can also be
filtered to display only what you are interested in. The data can also be
browsed in blocks and printed.
browsed in blocks and printed.
Status Screen
Status Screen
gives information on
gives information on the battery, laser
the battery, laser, data storage
, data storage
capacity, and more.
capacity, and more.
Analog Data Display Screen
Analog Data Display Screen
shows the data collected from the
shows the data collected from the analog
probes during the last sampling.
probes during the last sampling.
If the LASAIR II may be accessed over your
If the LASAIR II may be accessed over your Ethernet network, always
Ethernet network, always
leave the instrument’s display at either the Main Display Screen
leave the instrument’s display at either the Main Display Screen or the Analog
or the Analog
Display Screen so remote users can access the
Display Screen so remote users can access the LASAIR II.