● Perform only step 1 if you only need to shut down the UPS inverters to switch the
system to bypass mode without powering off loads.
● If you need to power off the entire UPS system, perform all the preceding steps.
8.3 Performing EPO
Step 1 Turn on the EPO switches connected to the dry contact cards on all UPSs one by
one or the general EPO switch.
8.4 Commissioning a Dual-Bus System
The dual-bus system consists of one master and one slave BSC system. You can
specify one master and one slave BSC system (UPSs in the same system cannot be
set to both master and slave BSC systems) during initial startup, and change the
settings under the guidance of maintenance engineers when needed. Set the BSC
master and slave systems to master and slave modes respectively.
Step 1 Connect BSC cables.
UPS5000-H-(1200 kVA-1600 kVA)
User Manual (100 kVA Power Modules)
8 Parallel System Commissioning
Issue 05 (2021-10-13)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.