Section 2 — System•MIDI
Edit/System•MIDI Parameters
• When BASECHAN PRESSURE=OFF, no pressure will be transmitted via MIDI.
• When BASECHAN PRESSURE=KEY, the ASR-10 will transmit the most expressive type of
pressure — key pressure via MIDI. The ASR-10’s Poly-Key™ Pressure lets you modulate each
note independently. If you press down on any given key within a chord, only that note will be
affected by pressure—all other notes remain unmodulated.
• When BASECHAN PRESSURE=CHAN, the ASR-10 will transmit the most common type of
pressure—channel pressure, via MIDI. With channel pressure, after a note is played, pressing
down harder on the key will modulate every note currently playing. Like a mod wheel,
channel pressure is “global,” it affects the entire keyboard when activated.
You can consult the MIDI implementation chart of the MIDI device you will be using with the
ASR-10, to see which, if any, type of pressure it responds to. Set this parameter to the
appropriate value when playing or sequencing a particular device from the ASR-10.
Press Edit / System•MIDI / 7
This parameter determines how MIDI information will be received by the ASR-10 and its various
Instruments. MIDI In Mode has no effect on what MIDI information is transmitted.
There are five MIDI modes implemented in the ASR-10:
• OMNI — In this mode the ASR-10 will receive on all 16 MIDI channels. This mode is useful
when you are only using a few instruments, and you are not concerned with setting up
different channels for each device.
• POLY — In this mode the ASR-10 will receive only on the Base MIDI channel. MIDI
information on all other channels will be ignored.
• MULTI — An ENSONIQ innovation, MULTI mode is the key to unlocking the potential of the
as a multi-timbral receiver from an external MIDI sequencer. In MULTI mode, the 8
tracks of the current song or sequence, and the 8 individual instruments, can receive MIDI
information independently and polyphonically on up to 8 different MIDI channels.
• MONO A — This mode is optimized for use with a MIDI guitar controller.
• MONO B — This mode is optimized for use with a MIDI guitar controller, with the added
benefit of assigning a different instrument to each string.
In OMNI, POLY and MONO A modes, incoming MIDI will only play those
Instrument•Sequence Tracks that are “Selected” or “Stacked.”
In MULTI and MONO B modes, independent of what Instrument•Sequence Tracks are
“Selected” or “Stacked” on the front panel, the sounds you will hear when notes are received via
MIDI will depend entirely on what MIDI channel(s) the MIDI data is received on.
In MULTI and MONO B modes, different MIDI receive channels must be selected for each
Instrument•Sequence Track that you want to receive via MIDI. The MIDI receive channel for
each Instrument•Sequence Track is set with the Edit/Track, MULTI-IN MIDI CHAN parameter.
If more than one sequence track is set to the same MULTI IN MIDI CHAN, only the lowest
numbered Instrument•Sequence Track will receive via MIDI.
In MULTI and MONO B modes, notes played on the ASR-10’s own keyboard are not affected by
incoming MIDI Controller messages. Only the ASR-10’s own controllers will affect notes played
on the ASR-10’s keyboard.