Section 14 — Storage
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Disk Messages
ASR-10 Disk Messages
Warnings are displayed for one second and indicate either successful completion or non-fatal
error conditions encountered during a disk operation.
• DISK COMMAND COMPLETED — indicates that the disk operation was completed
• DISK WRITE-PROTECTED — appears during SAVE or DELETE operations if the diskette is
• DISK HAS BEEN CHANGED — appears when you begin to LOAD, SAVE or DELETE when
the disk in the drive has been changed since the last time the ASR-10 loaded a disk directory.
• DISK DRIVE NOT READY — usually indicates that there is no diskette in the drive, although
it can indicate a hardware problem if it persists.
• NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE — indicates that there are not enough available sectors on
diskette or hard drive to save the file.
• FILE DOES NOT EXIST — appears when you try to LOAD or DELETE a file when the display
• NO SYS-EX DATA TO SAVE — indicates that there is no data in the Sys-Ex Recorder to save.
• FILE TOO LARGE TO LOAD — indicates that the sequence data in the disk file will not fit
into the free memory. Delete sequences or songs to make some memory available. If that does
not work, the file may have been saved from a system with more memory installed.
Error messages are always accompanied by the PRESS ANY BUTTON TO CONTINUE... prompt,
and remain on the screen until any button is pressed. These messages indicate serious error
conditions which interrupted the disk operation. These errors may have prevented the correct
saving or loading of the data in the file(s).
• DISK DRIVE NOT RESPONDING — indicates either that there is no diskette in the drive or
that there are hardware problems.
• DISK NOT FORMATTED — the disk format was not recognized, and the disk is either blank
or formatted for some other system.
• NOT ASR-10 DISK — the disk format was recognized, but the disk does not contain ASR-10
• DISK ERROR - WRITE VERIFY — during a SAVE operation, the data written could not be
verified. Probably indicates a bad disk sector. The file may be unusable.
• DISK ERROR - LOST DATA — during a disk read operation, the system missed data coming
from the disk. Probably indicates a hardware problem. The file may be unusable.