Section 1 — Controls and Architecture
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
About the Sequencer
Saving Sequencer Data
Saving a Single Sequence to Disk
Use the SAVE CURRENT SEQUENCE command to save a single sequence.
• On the Edit/Seq•Song page, select the sequence you want to save.
• Insert a formatted disk into the drive.
• Press Command, then press Seq•Song.
• Press the Left or Right Arrow button until the display reads SAVE CURRENT SEQUENCE.
• Press Enter•Yes.
• Edit the Sequence Name (if needed):
The display shows the current name of the sequence, with a cursor (underline) beneath the first
character. If you want to give the sequence a new name, do so at this time. Use the Data Entry
Slider or the Up/Down Arrow buttons to change the underlined character, then press the
Left/Right Arrow buttons to move the underline. Repeat until the display shows the name you
want (if you don’t need to rename the sequence, just skip this step).
• Press Enter•Yes. The display will read SAVING <FILE NAME> while the sequence is being
• If there is already a sequence file with the same name on the disk, the display will ask DELETE
OLD VERSION? Press Enter•Yes to save the sequence, replacing the one on the disk. Or
press Cancel•No to abort the procedure.
• If there is not enough free space on the disk, the display will say NOT ENOUGH DISK
SPACE. Save the sequence to another disk (or delete some files from the disk).
• If you try to SAVE CURRENT SEQUENCE while the song is selected, the ASR-10 will not
execute the command, responding USE SAVE SONG + ALL. Again, make sure the sequence
is selected before trying to save it.