Section 11 — WaveSample and Layer Parameters
Edit/Layer Parameters
Press Edit / Layer / 9
Stereo samples are stored in pairs of adjacent layers (1&2, 3&4, 5&6, or 7&8), with the LEFT
channel always stored in an odd numbered layer (1, 3, 5 or 7), and the RIGHT channel stored
across the same key range in the next higher even numbered layer. These paired adjacent layers
are called companion layers.
The STEREO LAYER LINK parameter is automatically turned ON after a stereo sample is
recorded. When this parameter is turned ON in the selected LAYER, it is simultaneously turned
ON in the companion layer. When STEREO LAYER LINK= ON, simultaneous editing of both
channels of a Stereo Sample is enabled (see below).
When STEREO LAYER LINK= ON, editing layer or WaveSample parameters in one layer will
edit the same parameter in the companion layer. Editing with the Data Entry Slider will set the
current parameter in both layers to the same absolute value. Editing with the Up/Down Arrow
buttons will edit parameter values in both layers relative to one another.
When STEREO LAYER LINK= ON, all pitch modulation in the right layer will be slaved to the
settings in the WaveSamples assigned to the same or overlapping key zones in the left layer. This
includes BEND RANGE, NOISE RATE, and all pitch modulation. Pitch modulation settings for
WaveSamples in the right layer will be ignored.
STEREO LAYER LINK can be turned OFF to allow independent editing of layers that contain one
channel of a stereo sample.
If the companion layer does not exist, STEREO LAYER LINK cannot be turned ON in the selected
layer. The screen will display NO COMPANION LAYER.
When performing wave data commands with STEREO LAYER LINK= ON, both the selected
WaveSample and the WaveSample in the companion layer must be the same size. If the two
WaveSamples are not the same size, the display will read SAMPLES NOT SAME SIZE, and the
command will not be performed.
You can quickly access this parameter by double-clicking the Layer button when in Edit mode.
Range: OFF, ON