Section 12 — Sequencer and Audio Track Concepts
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Recording a Sequence
MIDI Mode and Channel — Remote MIDI Devices
The next step is to set up each remote MIDI device to receive only the MIDI information that is
intended for it. When each remote MIDI device is set to receive on a different MIDI channel (or a
number of them, for multi-timbral units) you can control them all right from the ASR-10.
For each remote MIDI device:
• Set to POLY (OMNI OFF) or MULTI Mode. Each remote MIDI device must be in a mode
where it receives only on its selected MIDI channel (or channels). This is usually referred to as
POLY (or OMNI OFF) mode for receiving on a single channel, or MULTI mode for receiving
independently on multiple channels. Consult the owner’s manual if there is any question
about a particular device.
• Select a MIDI receive channel or channels. The best idea is to assign each remote MIDI
device its own MIDI receive channel(s) and leave it that way. If you know, for instance, that a
certain synth is always set to receive on MIDI channel 4, you can quickly set up an
Instrument•Sequence Track to drive that synth by simply creating a MIDI instrument (see
Section 17 — Sequencing/MIDI Applications), then assigning that instrument to transmit on
MIDI channel 4. Also when each remote MIDI device is always set to its own distinct MIDI
channel, it means that different sequences and songs recorded at different times will always
play the right instrument on the right track.
Once you have assigned MIDI receive channels to each MIDI device in your rig, write them down,
and keep the paper handy for quick reference.
Recording MIDI Tracks
Once everything is set up, you can proceed with recording MIDI instruments exactly as you
would for instruments with LOCAL or BOTH status that will play locally. Tracks that are
transmitted out via MIDI are treated the same as internal tracks in terms of recording,
overdubbing, punching in, editing, etc. Follow the same steps outlined earlier in this section for
recording the first track and then for additional tracks.
For each successive track you record, the procedure will follow the same lines:
• Define the MIDI configuration for the Instrument•Sequence Track ,
• Record the track, and then
• Either keep or discard the new track from the KEEP=OLD/NEW page.
MIDI Instruments can be selected and stacked from the Instrument•Sequence Track buttons,
and can be muted or soloed from the Edit/Track page, the same as any other tracks.
Edit/Instrument parameters such as Volume, Key Zone, and Transpose all apply to MIDI tracks
just as they do with LOCAL tracks.
Most often you will be recording sequences and songs that play some MIDI instruments and
some LOCAL Instruments. When this is the case, be sure that you set the Edit/Instrument MIDI
STATUS to LOCAL (as opposed to BOTH) for the instruments on the tracks that you want to play
only on the ASR-10. This will avoid accidentally transmitting unintended MIDI data to any
external MIDI devices when you play the sequence or song.