Section 12 — Sequencer and Audio Track Concepts
About Audio Tracks
Song Audio Track Mixdown
Song Audio Tracks have the added bonus of recording AUDIO-MIX and AUDIO-PAN
information that will affect the playback of the Audio Tracks for full mixdown capabilities (the
Edit/Seq•Song, SONG ATRK REC parameter determines this). The Command/(audio) Track,
FILTER AUDIO EVENTS command can be used to remove AUDIO-MIX and AUDIO-PAN
events without removing the Audio Trigger events (see later in this document for a description of
the Audio Track commands).
Recording Audio-Mix and Audio-Pan information
1. Select a song (refer to the ASR-10 Musician’s Manual for steps in creating a song).
2. Select an Audio Track that has AudioSample data (by pressing its Audio Track button).
3. Press Edit, then Sequence•Song, and use the Data Entry Controls to select SONG ATRK
4. press the Up Arrow button once to change the display to SONG ATRK REC=MIX+PAN.
5. Press Record and while holding it down, press Play.
At this point, you can change the mix or pan of the Audio Track, and it will be recorded.
6. When the song is finished, select KEEP=NEW.
If you want to re-record your mixdown, you must first filter the audio events (see below).
How to Filter Audio Mixdown Events
1. Press Command, then Track.
2. Use the Data Entry Controls to select the FILTER AUDIO EVENTS command:
3. Press Enter•Yes to invoke the command. The display shows:
4. Use the Audio Track A and B buttons to select the Audio Track that you want to filter the
audio events.
5. Press Enter•Yes.
This page allows you to select either the AUDIO-MIX or the AUDIO-PAN events to erase
(which are selected using the Up/Down Arrow buttons or the Data Entry Slider).
6. Press Enter•Yes to filter the selected Audio Track. The display momentarily shows
SHUFFLING DATA, then allows you to Audition the newly filtered Audio Track. If there are
no events to filter, the display momentarily shows NO DATA ON SOURCE TRACK.
7. Select KEEP=NEW and press Enter•Yes to save the filtered version, or press Cancel•No to
abort the command.