Section 2 — System•MIDI
About Macros
“Direct Dialing” on CD-ROMs with Direct Macros
ENSONIQ formatted CD-ROMs have a unique Direct-Macro number assigned to each individual
file location (see the CD-ROM manual for Direct-Dial listings), and can be “direct dialed” —
accessed directly through the use of its four-digit “Direct Macro” number. Note that these Direct
Macros are used exclusively for locating Instrument files. Demos, banks, effects, songs, and
sequences can be located in the normal way.
The Direct Macros perform in a straightforward way. The first digit of the Direct Macro takes
you into the corresponding root directory, the second digit takes you into the corresponding sub-
directory, and the last two digits take you to the corresponding Instrument file within that sub-
directory. For example, using the ENSONIQ CDR-3 disk, Direct Macro 1201 will take you into
root directory 1 (the STRINGED directory), sub-directory 2 (the ACOUSTC GUIT sub-directory)
file 01 (the GUILD TWELVE Instrument).
Invoking a Direct Macro
You can directly locate any Instrument on a CD-ROM disk by entering its Direct Macro number:
• Find the Instrument you wish to locate in the CD-ROM Manual and note the four-digit Direct
Macro number directly to the left of the Instrument name.
• Press and hold the Load button on the ASR-10.
• While continuing to hold the Load button, enter the four-digit Direct Macro number on the
ASR-10 keypad.
• Release the Load button. As soon as the ASR-10 has located the Instrument on the CD-ROM
disk it will display the Instrument name.
• Load the sound in the normal way — press the Enter•Yes button, then select the location into
which you want the Instrument loaded by pressing one of the eight Instrument•Sequence
Track buttons.
In addition, you can enter a root directory without entering a sub-directory by using a Direct
Macro that ends with the digits “000”. For example, you can enter the PERCUSSION directory
(without entering any of its sub-directories) by holding the Load button, typing 3000, then
releasing the Load button.
You do not need to manually select the CD-ROM as the storage device to make the Direct Macros
work properly — the Direct Macros handle that for you.
You can quickly move to the root level directory from anywhere else by invoking Direct Macro
1000. Hold the Load button, type 1000, release the Load button, and hit Enter in response to the
EXIT TO ROOT prompt in the ASR-10 display.
I mp ort ant!
Al l Di r ec t M acr o ope r ati ons ar e pe r f orm ed wi t h the Load butt on hel d dow n, and t ak e ef f ect whe n t he
Load butt on is rel eas e d.