Section 9 — WaveSample and Layer Concepts
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
• WHEEL — Modulation Wheel
The Mod Wheel to the left of the keyboard is assignable wherever a modulator is selected. To
use the mod wheel for vibrato (one common application), WHEEL must be assigned to
modulate the LFO, and the LFO Amount set to some number other than zero on the
Edit/Pitch page. The mod wheel’s effect is positive-going only, from 0 (wheel towards you) to
+99 (wheel away from you). Negative modulation amounts will reverse the effect.
• PEDAL — Voltage Control Foot Pedal
This selects the optional CVP-1 Foot Pedal, which can be plugged into the Pedal•CV jack on the
ASR-10 rear panel, as a modulator. Its effect is positive-going only, like the mod wheel. It can
be applied wherever a modulator is selected.
Note that the Foot Pedal will only act as a modulator when the Pedal Function parameter is set
to PEDAL=MOD on the Edit/System•MIDI page. When that parameter is set to
PEDAL=VOL, the Foot Pedal will act as a volume pedal, not as a modulator (though this has
no effect on incoming MIDI Foot Pedal data).
• XCTRL — External Controller (MIDI only)
An external controller (such as a Breath Controller, etc.) that is received via MIDI from another
synthesizer or controller, can be assigned as a modulator within ASR-10 instruments. On the
Edit/System•MIDI page, you can select the number of the external controller that will be
recognized by the ASR-10.
You don’t have to be playing the ASR-10 from an external instrument for this to work. For
example, if you have a keyboard with a Breath Controller, do the following:
• Connect the breath controller’s MIDI Out to the ASR-10 MIDI In.
• Make sure both instruments have controllers enabled (Edit/System•MIDI page).
• Select Breath Controller as the external controller that will be received by the ASR-10
(XCTRL=02, also on the Edit/System•MIDI page).
• Assign XCTRL as a modulator for LFO level, Filter Cutoff frequency, or some other manual
level within a WaveSample.
• Play the sound from the ASR-10 keyboard, while blowing into the Breath Controller connected
to the sending instrument. The modulation will have the same effect as if you were playing
from the sending instrument.
• PRESS — Pressure (After-touch)
Pressure, also called after-touch, is a modulator that varies a manual level within a voice
depending on how hard you press down on a key or keys. After you have struck a key, and
while the note is sustaining, continuing to press down harder on the key brings in pressure.
The ASR-10 keyboard generates pressure, and by using this modulator you can add a
tremendous amount of expression to your sounds without ever taking your hands off the
Pressure comes in two varieties — Poly-Key™ pressure (or Polyphonic pressure), which affects
each note individually, and Channel pressure (or Mono pressure) which affects all notes that
are playing when you exert pressure on any key. Either type of pressure is available on the
ASR-10, and both types are received via MIDI.
The PRESSURE MODE parameter on the Edit/Instrument page determines which of the two
types of pressure will be used by the instrument. When set to KEY or CHAN, the ASR-10 will
generate the selected pressure type, and will receive both types via MIDI. This parameter can
also be set to OFF, in which case the instrument will not respond to pressure internally, nor
will it transmit or receive pressure via MIDI.