Section 15 — Sampling Applications
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Resampling through an EQ
• Press the left Audio Track button to hear the input source (red LED lit).
• Press an unused (no left red LED lit) Instrument•Sequence Track button. The ASR-10 goes
into Level-Detect (or VU) mode:
Input signal level
Sampling Threshold
(or VU) Mode:
Once you have adjusted the input signal level:
• Press Enter•Yes or press the left foot switch to initiate sampling. The display will show
“WAITING…” until the threshold is exceeded. The AMP indicator will light if the Input
Source clips. During sampling, the display shows:
The xxx value (range 000 to 999) will count down in real time when sampling. Press any button
to stop sampling. Remember that if the sampling threshold (the star) is set higher than the input
signal level (the vertical bars), the ASR-10 will not begin sampling until the input signal crosses
the threshold. Pressing Cancel•No while the sampling screen reads WAITING will abort
sampling, and the ASR-10 will return to Level-Detect mode.
• Play the sound to be sampled: play the guitar, synth, start the recording, or speak/sing into
the microphone.
• Press Cancel•No or press the left foot switch to stop sampling. If you don’t stop it by pressing
Cancel•No or the left foot switch, the ASR-10 will continue sampling until it has used up all
the available memory.
In order to use the foot switch to start and stop sampling, the LEFT FOOT SW parameter on the
Edit/System•MIDI page must be set to LEFT FOOT SW= SAMPL YES.
• After you have stopped sampling (or the memory is full) the display flashes PLAY ROOT KEY
OR ENTER. The Root Key is the note on the ASR-10 keyboard from which the sample will
play back at “unity” (the same pitch as the original input signal). Whichever key you press in
response to the PLAY ROOT KEY OR ENTER prompt is the key that will play back exactly
what you sampled.
You can also press the Enter•Yes button in response to the PLAY ROOT KEY OR ENTER
prompt. This will set the root key of the new WaveSample to the same note assigned to the
ENTER PLAYS KEY parameter, and allows you to record samples using your ASR-10 without
playing the keys. Remember, you can assign different WaveSample ranges and change the pitch
using the Edit/Instrument parameters.