Section 16 — Instrument Programming Applications
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Velocity Cross-Switching Between Layers
This application will give you an example of how velocity can be used to call up layers:
• Press the Sample•Source Select button, set REC SRC= INPUT DRY LEFT, and then pick a
sample instrument. Press Enter•Yes and say “one,” then press Cancel•No to stop sampling.
Make middle C the root key. This is layer one.
• Press the Sample•Source Select button again, pick the same sample instrument. The display
. Underline LYR=1, and set it to LYR=N. Press
Enter•Yes. Press Enter•Yes again and say “two.” Again, make middle C the root key. This is
layer two.
• Press the Sample•Source Select button, then pick the same sample instrument. Underline
LYR=2 in the display, and change it to LYR=N. Press Enter•Yes twice, and say “three.” This
is layer three. Again, select middle C as the root key. When you play middle C, you will hear
samples, “one, two, and three,” in layers one, two, and three.
Now that we have our WaveSamples, the Edit/Layer LAYER VELOCITY parameter can be used.
• Press Edit. This places you on the Edit Context page. Using the Data Entry Slider or Arrow
buttons, adjust the parameters on the page so the screen reads, UNNAMED LYR=
• Press the Layer button. This will take you to the Edit/Layer page. Scroll to the LYR VEL
screen and underline and adjust this parameter so it reads LYR VEL LO=0 HI=42.
• Press the Edit button again, which takes you back to the Edit page. Underline LYR=1 in the
display and change it to LYR=2. The display reads UNNAMED LYR=
2 WS=ALL. Pressing
the Edit button takes you back to the Edit/Layer page (the Edit button acts as a toggle).
• Set the Edit/Layer parameters to LYR VEL LO=42 HI=85. Press the Edit button again, to
return to the Edit Context page. Underline LYR=2 and set it to LYR=3. Press the Edit button
to toggle back to the Edit/Layer page. Set these Parameters to LYR VEL LO=86 HI=127.
All three Layers are now set to respond to velocity. A layer will only play when the note-on
velocity is within the range specified on this page. A soft attack will call up sample “one,” a
medium attack, sample “two,” and a hard attack, sample “three.” Remember, you can do this
with up to eight layers.