Section 15 — Sampling Applications
Resampling through an EQ
Using the ASR-10 as a Virtual Multi-Track Digital Recorder
Because the ASR-10 has several unique sampling features (such as the ability to sample through
the Effects and the MAIN OUT sample mode, which allows you to resample sequence playback
or notes played the keyboard), you can use the ASR-10 as a virtual multi-track digital recorder.
Doing this requires some creative thinking on how to use some of these sampling features. This
application note will give you some ideas and point you in the right direction.
• First, load instruments into Instrument•Sequence Track locations 1-6 and record a 4 bar
sequence. Set the Effects the way you want them to be heard.
• The next step is to sample this sequence. To do this, set the ASR-10 to REC SRC= MAIN OUT
L+R on the Sample•Source Select page. Press Enter•Yes to enter the sampling page and select
one of the two unused Instrument•Sequence Track locations when you see the PICK
SAMPLE INSTRUMENT prompt. Now initiate sampling. As soon as sampling has begun,
start the sequencer. Let the sequence play through one repetition, then hit Cancel•No to end
sampling. Select a root key when prompted, and you’re ready for the next step.
• At this point, you may need to edit the SAMPLE START point of the sample. Here’s a tip on
doing this. Go back to your sequence, and press Record and Play. On the first beat of
measure 1, play the root key of the Instrument containing the new sample, and hold it down
for the entirety of the four bar sequence. The sample will most likely not begin playing at the
point where the music from your original sequence starts playing, but that’s okay.
QUANTIZE this track to 1/4 notes when you’re finished.
The purpose of doing this is to give you a shortcut for finding the correct SAMPLE START
location. Here’s how:
• Select the new sample for editing and go to the SAMPLE START screen. Now, adjust the
percentage parameter, but instead of striking the key each time to hear if you’ve found the
right spot, hit the Play button of the sequencer. Press the Stop•Continue button if you don’t
hear music begin playing as soon as the sequencer starts playing, then reset the SAMPLE
START parameter, and try again.
Now, here comes the benefit of doing it this way. When you think the SAMPLE START point
is close, start the sequencer again, this time with both the CLICK and LOOP parameters set to
ON. You can now edit using the absolute sample start parameter. If you have found exactly
the right SAMPLE START point, the click will be in time with the music. Also, when the
sequencer loops, it will restrike the sample. You should hear no “glitch” when the sequence
loops. Once you have your sample meeting both of these standards, you’ve found the right
SAMPLE START location.
• Next, move on to the SAMPLE END parameter and set it to a point just past the end of the
fourth measure of music. For this edit, you will have to strike the key, since playing the
sequencer will never play the sample all the way to the end (it loops, remember?). Once you
have a SAMPLE END point set, use the TRUNCATE WAVESAMPLE command to get rid of
the unneeded data at the beginning and end of the sample.
• After playing your new sample, you can use the DELETE INSTRUMENT command to
eliminate instruments 1-6. Remember, since our sequence is now a sample, you’re able to
erase all of the instruments used to make the sequence and in so doing, free up some memory.
• You can now record a second digital audio track. Plug in a microphone, or a guitar, bass, or
any line signal into the Left Audio Input of the ASR-10. Use the Mic/Line Switch and the
Input Level knob to set the correct level.
• Set the REC SRC page to INPUT+FX LEFT. Press Enter•Yes to enter sampling mode and
select an unused Instrument•Sequence Track when you see the PICK SAMPLE