Section 4 — Instrument, Bank, and Preset Parameters
Edit/Instrument Parameters
Press Edit / Instrument / scroll using the arrow buttons
This parameter allows you to set the keyboard range of the instrument. Keyboard ranges are
very important in the creation of keyboard splits and layers. The ASR-10 allows you to set the
keyboard range in a very easy fashion.
• Select the LO=__ half of Instrument Key Range parameter, then:
1. Play Low Key
2. Play High Key
Make sure after you’ve set the ranges that you change screens before playing the keyboard again.
The Instrument key range parameter is always active when shown on the display. You can also
use the Data Entry Slider and the Up/Down Arrow buttons to set the key range.
Range: KY0 to K11, C0 to G9
Keys in the octave below C0 are displayed as KY0 through K11. These values are only accessable
when the instrument is transposed up.
If you set the Low Key higher than the High Key, the instrument is in effect turned off and will
make no sound. If you do this, simply reset the parameters.
XPOS OCT - SEMI (Transpose)
Press Edit / Instrument / scroll using the arrow buttons
Each instrument can have its pitch transposed (raised or lowered) by octaves and semitones
within an eight octave range. The transpose setting affects both the pitch played by Local ASR-10
voices and the key number transmitted via MIDI.
The Left/Right Arrow buttons will toggle the underline (showing the active field) between octave
and semitone.
Octave Range: -4 to +4 octaves
Semitone Range: -11 to +11 semitones
It is possible to extend the transposition outside of the normal range by using the Up/Down
Arrow buttons to edit the semitone value to a maximum of + or - 9 octaves and 11 semitones,
although this may cause unexpected results.