Section 11 — WaveSample and Layer Parameters
Pitch Commands
instrument to use the pitch table that you want to edit (with the PITCH TBL parameter on the
Edit/Layer page), and then invoke the pitch table command. If you’re editing an existing
pitch table, the CREATE NEW PITCH TBL prompt will not appear.
• Press Enter•Yes. The display reads KEY E4 = * 0 CENTS. This is the default display. If you
press any key on the keyboard the display will change. Pressing Cancel•No will abort this
• Press Middle C on the keyboard. The display now looks like this:
Fine Tune
Source Key
Playback Pitch
The source key can be thought of as the physical location of the key on the keyboard. The
playback pitch can be the same as the source key—as shown in the display—or it can be any pitch
from A0 to C8. The range of the fine tune is 0 to 99 cents. This allows you to create micro-
tunings. Here’s how:
• Play C4+ on the keyboard (the source key), or use the Up/Down Arrow buttons or the Data
Entry Slider to select the source key.
• Press the Right Arrow button twice to move the cursor under the Fine Tune value, and change
it to
Fine Tune
Source Key
KEY C+4 = C+4 50 CENTS
Playback Pitch
You have just defined a new interval between C and C4+. The interval has now been stretched
by 50 cents. You can now repeat this procedure for each key on the keyboard to create your own
custom pitch table.
Press the Right Arrow button until the display shows TBL NAME= PITCHTABLE 1 (the default
pitch table name). You can name your custom pitch table using the Left/Right Arrow buttons to
move the cursor, and the Data Entry Slider or the Up/Down Arrow buttons to select the
characters. After you’ve named your custom pitch table:
• Press Enter•Yes to exit EDIT PITCH TABLE.
For the following commands, you can’t COPY, DELETE, or EXTRAPOLATE the STANDARD or
NO PITCH pitch tables. If you try, the NO EDIT PITCH TABLE message will be displayed. You
must create a new pitch table first using the EDIT PITCH TABLE command.