Section 14 — Storage
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Saving Sys-Ex Data Uses the Internal Memory
The ASR-10 uses the RAM (Random Access Memory) that is normally devoted to instruments,
banks, and the sequencer to “buffer” incoming System Exclusive messages before saving them to
disk. A buffer is an area of memory where data is held temporarily. When the ASR-10 receives a
System Exclusive data dump, it stores it in the internal memory until you save the data to disk.
As a result the contents of the ASR-10 internal memory is erased before the MIDI Sys-Ex recorder
can be used.
You must save all instrument, bank, and sequencer memory before using the MIDI Sys-Ex
recorder to receive data.
Loading Sys-Ex data from disk to an external device will not necessarily clear the internal
memory. If there is enough unused sequencer memory to load and transmit the Sys-Ex message,
the memory will not be affected. If there is not enough memory, you will be prompted to delete
instruments until enough memory is available.
Saving System Exclusive Data from an External Device to Disk
Using the ASR-10’s disk drive for storing data from external devices is a three-step process:
1) first get the ASR-10 ready to receive the data via MIDI;
2) next, send the data from the external device to the ASR-10; and finally
3) save the data to an ASR-10 floppy disk.
To save System Exclusive data from an external MIDI device:
• Connect the MIDI Out of the sending device to the MIDI In of the ASR-10.
• Insert a formatted 3.5” disk into the ASR-10 disk drive.
• Press Command, then System•MIDI.
• Press the Right Arrow button repeatedly until the display reads MIDI SYS-EX RECORDER.
• Press Enter•Yes. The display shows the prompt MUST ERASE MEMORY OK? to warn you
that any instruments, banks, sequences, and songs currently in memory will be lost. It’s not
too late, however, to quit and preserve the internal memory intact. Pressing Cancel•No at this
point will return you to the Command/System•MIDI page without erasing the internal
memory, allowing you to save it to disk before proceeding.
• Press Enter•Yes. The display shows WAITING...
• From the external MIDI device, transmit the System Exclusive data. The display will flash
RECEIVING... while the data is being sent.
• When the full message has been received, the display will read CANCEL=QUIT
ENTER=SAVE to indicate that a complete message was recorded.
• Once you have successfully received the Sys-Ex message (or messages), press the Enter•Yes
button to begin the process of saving the MIDI data to disk. The following display appears:
• Name the file with a 12-character name of your choice using the Data Entry Slider or the
Up/Down Arrow buttons to change the underlined character, and the Left/Right Arrow
buttons to move the cursor. Repeat until the display shows the name you want.
• Press Enter•Yes. The display reads SAVING <FILENAME> while the data is being saved. Or
press Cancel•No to cancel the procedure for any reason.
• If there is a Sys-Ex file with the same name already on the disk, the ASR-10 will ask DELETE
OLD VERSION? Press Enter•Yes to save the file, replacing the one on the disk. This is for
updating files to which you have made changes. Or press Cancel•No to abort the procedure.
• After the file is saved, the ASR-10 returns to the FILENAME=<FILENAME> screen, so that
you can save the a backup copy of the data to a different disk if you wish. Press Cancel•No
(or any other front panel button) to exit.