Section 13 — Sequencer and Audio Track Parameters
Audio Track Parameters
The currently implemented Edit/(audio) Track, MIX, PAN and OUT parameters affect both the
REC SRC signal monitor as well as the PLAYBACK monitor.
When the Sample•Source Select, REC SRC Field 1 is set to MAIN-OUT,
the Audio Track
Playback is monitored through the Edit/(audio) Track settings. The Audio Inputs are disabled,
and both Source-Monitor LEDs remain
off at all times. The Source Monitor voices are not needed
to monitor this REC SRC, as it is always audible out the MAIN OUTs.
Press Edit / Track / 1 (for Mix) 2 (for Pan)
Audio Track MIX
The MIX parameter controls the volume for the signal being monitored on each audio track.
Range: 0 to 99
The default MIX value is 60, because BOOST is permanently ON on the Audio Tracks.
Audio Track PAN
The PAN parameter controls the current pan position for the signal being monitored on each
audio track.
Range: -99 (full left) to +99 (full right)
The default PAN settings are ATRK-A PAN= -99, and ATRK-B PAN= +99.
How MIX and PAN parameters work with Version 2 O.S.
The following chart describes how the Edit/(audio) Track, MIX and PAN parameters interact
with Audio Track source monitoring and playback. For more information, refer to the ASR-10
Musician’s Manual.
How the Audio Track MIX and PAN parameters work
If you edit the values:
in Mono:
In Stereo:
Sequencer plays back MIX or PAN:
The Display changes:
YES (mono)
YES (stereo)
The Playback volume
YES (mono)
YES (stereo)
YES (mono)
The Monitor volume
YES (mono)
YES (stereo)
Using the FILTER AUDIO EVENTS command on Sequence Audio Tracks will remove the
“default” Audio Track MIX events. The default MIX events are recorded each time you enter
record on an Audio Track. This is useful to prevent the playback of these events from interfering
with manual edits to the MIX value that you might make during bounce-down.