Chapter 2 Alarm
2.1.16 134239936 XPIC alarm
Alarm Property
Alarm Code: 134239936
Alarm Information: The alarm is reported if the XPIC function becomes abnormal,
which causes that ODU does not support the configuration mode issued by users.
Alarm Level: Critical
Alarm Type: Equipment Alarm
Sub-code Description
Sub-code 1: In a pair of RMUCs, one RMUC is configured with the XPIC function
while the other RMUC is not configured with or cannot be configured with the XPIC
function due to some causes.
Sub-code 2: In a pair of RMUCs each of which is configured with the XPIC function,
the two RMUCs are configured with different bandwidths;
Sub-code 3: The XPIC function is enabled, the configured radio link bandwidth is 7M
or 14 M, but XPIC only supports the bandwidth of 28M, 40M, 50M, and 56M;
Sub-code 4: The XPIC function becomes invalid;
Sub-code 5: The slave IF units are unlocked;
Sub-code 6: The XPD value is below 25dB;
Sub-code 7: In a pair of ODUs each of which is configured with the XPIC function, the
two ODUs are configured with different frequencies.
Effect on the System
The system is working in the co-frequency dual-polarization mode. If XPIC is abnormal,
the radio link receive performance becomes abnormal, and the problems of error code or
disconnection occur.
Possible Causes
The XPIC function requires both normal RMUC boards to enable the XPIC function.
The boards are not configured as required or the XPIC function is not enabled.
In a pair of RMUCs each of which is configured with the XPIC function, the two RMUCs
are configured with different bandwidths.
The XPIC function is enabled, the configured radio link bandwidth is 7M or 14 M, but
XPIC only supports the bandwidth of 28M, 40M, 50M, and 56M.
For a pair of RMUCs each of which is configured with the XPIC function, the system
performs XPIC protection when one RMUC becomes faulty. An alarm is also raised
to indicate that the XPIC function is unavailable due to board hardware faults.
The IF units for canceling XPIC interference signals are faulty;
The XPIC-related hardware connection is faulty.
In a pair of ODUs each of which is configured with the XPIC function, the two ODUs
are configured with different frequencies.
The two RMUC boards of an XPIC group are configured with different bandwidths.
SJ-20111008094748-008|2012–05–30 (R1.1)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential