IM DL950-02EN
Set the waveform save conditions.
(This is the same as the setting on the
FILE menu.)
Set the format to save the data in.
Set auto naming.
(This is the same as the setting on the
FILE menu.)
Set comments.
Set the file name.
(This is the same as the setting on the
FILE menu.)
Set the save destination.
When Dual Capture Mode Is On
Saves screen capture data
► sec. 18.3
. When the saving is complete, a message appears.
, or press
The waveform data file is saved in the specified folder. If Image Save on the SAVE menu is
set to ON, the screen capture data is also saved.
Saving Waveform Data Using the SSD Recording or Action
You can also save waveform data by using the SSD recording or action feature.
With SSD recording, waveform data is saved using the save destination and file name set here.
With the action feature, you can set the data type separately, but when SSD recording is on, the
action feature is not available.
For details on SSD recording, see section 3.5. For details on the action feature, see section 15.1.
19.4 Saving Waveform Data