Functional Description Endpoint 0 Interrupt Generating Events: Peripheral Mode
An Endpoint 0 interrupt is generated when any of the below events occur and Interrupt Service handler
should determine the right event and launch the proper handler
The following events will cause Endpoint 0 Interrupt to be generated while the controller is operating
assuming the role of a device/peripheral:
The controller sets the RXPKTRDY bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 0) after a valid token has been received and
data has been written to the FIFO (legal status condition).
The controller clears the TXPKTRDY bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 1) after the packet of data in the FIFO has
been successfully transmitted to the host (legal status condition).
The controller sets the SENTSTALL bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 2) after a control transaction is ended due
to a protocol violation (illegal status condition).
The controller sets the SETUPEND bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 4) because a control transfer has ended
before DATAEND (bit 3 of PERI_CSR0) is set (illegal status condition).
In order to determine the cause of the interrupt, the detail below recommends the order of cause
determination and execution.
Whenever the endpoint 0 service routine is entered, the software must first check to see if the current
control transfer has been ended due to either a STALL condition or a premature end of control transfer. If
the control transfer ends due to a STALL condition, the SENTSTALL bit would be set. If the control
transfer ends due to a premature end of control transfer, the SETUPEND bit would be set. In either case,
the software should abort processing the current control transfer and set the state to IDLE.
Once the software has determined that the interrupt was not generated by an illegal bus state, the next
action taken depends on the endpoint state.
If endpoint 0 is in IDLE state, the only valid reason an interrupt can be generated is as a result of the
controller receiving data from the bus. The service routine must check for this by testing the RXPKTRDY
bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 0). If this bit is set, then the controller has received a SETUP packet. This must be
unloaded from the FIFO and decoded to determine the action the controller must take. Depending on the
command contained within the SETUP packet, endpoint 0 will enter one of three states:
If the command is a single packet transaction (SET_ADDRESS, SET_INTERFACE etc.) without any
data phase, the endpoint will remain in IDLE state.
If the command has an OUT data phase (SET_DESCRIPTOR etc.), the endpoint will enter RX state.
If the command has an IN data phase (GET_DESCRIPTOR etc.), the endpoint will enter TX state.
If the endpoint 0 is in TX state, the interrupt indicates that the core has received an IN token and data
from the FIFO has been sent. The software must respond to this either by placing more data in the
FIFO if the host is still expecting more data or by setting the DATAEND bit to indicate that the data
phase is complete. Once the data phase of the transaction has been completed, endpoint 0 should be
returned to IDLE state to await the next control transaction (status stage).
If the endpoint is in RX state, the interrupt indicates that a data packet has been received. The
software must respond by unloading the received data from the FIFO. The software must then
determine whether it has received all of the expected data. If it has, the software should set the
DATAEND bit and return endpoint 0 to IDLE state. If more data is expected, the firmware should set
the SERV_RXPKTRDY bit of PERI_CSR0 (bit 6) to indicate that it has read the data in the FIFO and
leave the endpoint in RX state.
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated