Although the L4 clock (WDT_ICLK) is completely asynchronous with the timer clock
(WDT_FCLK), some synchronization is performed to ensure that the value of the
WDT_WCRR register is not read while it is being incremented.
When 32-bit read access is performed, the shadow register is not updated. Read access is performed
directly from the accessed register.
To ensure that a coherent value is read inside WDT_WCRR, the first read access is to the lower 16 bits
(offset = 8h), followed by read access to the upper 16 bits (offset = Ah). Watchdog Timer Interrupt Generation
When an interrupt source occurs, the interrupt status bit (the WDT_WIRQSTAT[0] EVENT_OVF or
WDT_WIRQSTAT[1] EVENT_DLY bit) is set to 1. The output interrupt line (WDTi_IRQ) is asserted (active
low) when status (the EVENT_xxx bit) and enable (the xxx_IT_ENA bit) flags are set to 1; the order is not
relevant. Writing 1 to the enable bit (the status is already set at 1) also triggers the interrupt in the normal
order (enable first, status next). The pending interrupt event is cleared when the set status bit is
overwritten by a value of 1 by a write command in the WDT_WIRQSTAT register. Reading the
WDT_WIRQSTAT register and writing the value back allows a fast interrupt acknowledge process.
The watchdog timer issues an overflow interrupt if this interrupt is enabled in the watchdog interrupt
enable register (WDT_WIRQENSET[0] OVF_IT_ENA = 1). When the overflow occurs, the interrupt status
bit (the WDT_WIRQSTAT[0] EVENT_OVF bit) is set to 1. The output interrupt line (WDT_IRQ) is asserted
(active low) when status (EVENT_OVF) and enable (OVF_IT_ENA) flags are set to 1; the order is not
relevant. This interrupt can be disabled by setting the WDT_WIRQENCLR[0] OVF_IT_ENA bit to 1.
The watchdog can issue the delay interrupt if this interrupt is enabled in the interrupt enable register
(WDT_WIRQENSET[1] DLY_IT_ENA = 1). When the counter is running and the counter value matches
the value stored in the delay configuration register (WDT_WDLY), the corresponding interrupt status bit is
set in the watchdog status register (WDT_WIRQSTAT) and the output interrupt line is asserted (active
low) when the flag (EVENT_DLY) and enable (DLY_IT_ENA) bits are 1 in the WDT_WIRQSTAT and
WDT_WIRQENSET registers, respectively; the order (normally enable, then flag), is not relevant. This
interrupt can be disabled by setting the WDT_WIRQENCLR[1] DLY_IT_ENA bit to 1.
Writing 0 to the WDT_WIRQSTAT[0] EVENT_OVF bit or the WDT_WIRQSTAT[1]
EVENT_DLY bit has no effect.
The two clock domains are resynchronized because the interrupt event is generated on the functional
clock domain (WDTi_FCLK) during the updating of the interrupt status register (WDT_WIRQSTAT).
The WDT_WDLY register is used to specify the value of the delay configuration register. The delay time to
interrupt is the difference between the reload value stored in the counter load register (WDT_WLDR) and
the programmed value in this register (WDT_WDLY).
Use the following formula to estimate the delay time:
Delay time period = (WDT_WDLY – WD 1) × Timer clock period × Clock divider
Timer clock period = 1/(Timer clock frequency)
Clock divider = 2PTV
If the counter value (WDT_WCRR) reaches the programmed value (WDT_WDLY), the status bit
(EVENT_DLY) gets set in the interrupt status register (WDT_WIRQSTAT), and an interrupt occurs if the
corresponding enable bit is set in the interrupt enable register (WDT_WIRQENSET).
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated