Direct Mapped Event
Additional Event1
Additional Event2
Additional Event3
Additional Event32
Event Out
Mux Selection
in TPCC_EVT_MUX_m_n register
Functional Description
Figure 9-1. Event Crossbar
For every EDMA event there is a cross bar implemented in the design as shown in the figure.The direct
mapped event/interrupt will be always connected to Mux input[0], The additional events will be connected
to Mux input[1], Mux input[2].etc as defined in EDMA event table. The Mux selection value is programmed
into the corresponding TPCC_EVT_MUX_n register. The EVT_MUX value can take a value from 1 to 32.
Other values are reserved. By default the MUX_selection value is written to 0, which means the direct
mapped event is connected to the Event output.
When the additional event is selected through the Cross bar programming the direct mapped event cannot
be used.
For example, when TINT0 (Timer Interrupt 0) event, which is not directly mapped to the DMA event source
needs to be connected to EDMA channel no 24 (which is directly mapped to SDTXEVT0 event). The user
has to program the EVT_MUX_24 field in TPCC_EVT_MUX_24_27 register to 22 (value corresponding to
TINT0 interrupt in crossbar mapping). When this is set, TINT0 interrupt event will trigger the channel 24.
Please note that once this is set. The SDTXEVT0 can no longer be handled by EDMA. The user has to
allocate the correct DMA event number for crossbar mapped events so that there is no compromise on the
channel allocation for the used event numbers.
9.2.4 Device Control and Status
Control and Boot Status
The device configuration is set during power on or hardware reset (PORz sequence) by the configuration
input pins (SYSBOOT[15:0]).The CONTROL_STATUS register reflects the system boot and the device
type configuration values as sampled when the power-on reset (PORz) signal is asserted. The
Configuration input pins are sampled continuously during the PORz active period and the final sampled
value prior to the last rising edge is latched in the register. The CONTROL_STATUS register gives the
status of the device boot process.
Interprocessor Communication
The control module has the IPC_MSG_REG (7:0) registers which is for sharing messages between Cortex
M3 and the Cortex A8 MPU. The M3 TX end of event (M3_TXEV_EOI) register provides the mechanism
to clear/enable the TX Event from Cortex M3 to Cortex A8 MPU Subsystem. See the M3_TXEV_EOI
register description for further detail.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Control Module
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated