Functional Description
A global ResetDone status bit is provided in the status register MCSPI_SYSSTATUS. This bit is set to 1
when all the different clock domains resets (OCP domain and SPI domains) have been released (logical
The global ResetDone status bit can be monitored by the software to check if the module is ready-to-use
following a reset (either hardware or software).
The clock CLKSPIREF must be provided to the module, in order to allow the ResetDone status bit to be
When used in slave mode, the clock CLKSPIREF is needed only during the reset phase. The clock
CLKSPIREF can be switched off after the ResetDone status is set. Reset Values of Registers
The reset values of registers and signals are described in
24.3.10 Access to Data Registers
This section details the supported data accesses (read or write) from/to the data receiver registers
MCSPI_RX(i) and data transmitter registers MCSPI_TX(i).
Supported access:
McSPI supports only one SPI word per register (receiver or transmitter) and does not support successive
8-bit or 16-bit accesses for a single SPI word.
The SPI word received is always right justified on LSbit of the 32bit register MCSPI_RX(i), and the SPI
word to transmit is always right justified on LSbit of the 32bit register MCSPI_TX(i).
The upper bits, above SPI word length, are ignored and the content of the data registers is not reset
between the SPI data transfers.
The coherence between the number of bits of the SPI Word, the number of bits of the access and the
enabled byte remains under the user’s responsibility. Only aligned accesses are supported.
In Master mode, data should not be written in the transmit register when the channel is disbaled.
24.3.11 Programming Aid Module Initialization
Hard or soft reset.
Check if reset is done.
Module configuration: (a) Write into MCSPI_MODULCTRL (b) Write into MCSPI_SYSCONFIG.
Before the ResetDone bit is set, the clocks CLK and CLKSPIREF must be provided to the module.
To avoid hazardous behavior, it is advised to reset the module before changing from MASTER mode
to SLAVE mode or from SLAVE mode to MASTER mode. Common Transfer Sequence
McSPI module allows the transfer of one or several words, according to different modes:
Write and Read requests: Interrupts, DMA
SPIEN lines assertion/deassertion: automatic, manual
For all these flows, the host process contains the main process and the interrupt routines. The interrupt
routines are called on the interrupt signals or by an internal call if the module is used in polling mode.
In multi-channel master mode, the flows of different channels can be run simultaneously.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Multichannel Serial Port Interface (McSPI)
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated