Programming Model
13.4.2 Active Matrix Displays Interfacing to Dual LVDS Transmitters
The pixel clock rate for HD-sized pictures is approximately 148.5 MHz. At this speed, the LVDS link
requires a double-wide data bus for transferring the even and odd pixels at half the pixel rate. The LCD
Controller outputs one pixel per pixel clock cycle. Some LVDS transmitters accept a high speed, single
pixel input and output to dual LVDS drivers, in which case external glue logic is unnecessary. For those
LVDS transmitters that require the even and odd pixel to enter the LVDS transmitter at half the pixel clock
rate, external logic is required.
13.4.3 System Interaction DMA End of Frame Interrupts
The LCD module works with the DMA such that data is fetched from DDR and sent to a FIFO memory.
The DMA module does this fetching independently of the logic on the output side of the FIFO.
For LIDD mode DMA, the module fetches frame buffer 0. When the last word of frame buffer 0 is stored in
the FIFO memory, the Eof0 interrupt is triggered (if cfg_eof_inten=’1’) and the DMA stops. The CPU has
to set cfg_lidd_dma_en=’0’, followed by a cfg_lidd_dma_en=’1’, before the next burst from frame buffer 0
is read from DDR.
For Raster mode DMA, the module fetches frame buffer 0. When the last word of frame buffer 0 is stored
in the FIFO memory, the Eof0 interrupt is triggered (if cfg_eof_inten=’1’) but the DMA does not stop. The
DMA module ping pongs immediately to frame buffer 1 if cfg_frame_mode=’1’. Otherwise, the DMA
fetches the frame buffer 0 address range from DDR. When the DMA module fetches frame buffer 1, and
the last word of frame buffer 1 is stored in the FIFO memory, the Eof1 interrupt is triggered (if
cfg_eof_inten=’1’). This pattern would repeat.
13.4.4 Palette Lookup
For Active Matrix and Passive Matrix modes, the 12-bit Palette RAM Lookup can be used. For Active
Matrix (cfg_lcdtft = ‘1’), palette lookup is enabled when cfg_tft24 = ‘0’ and the bpp field in the Palette RAM
is set to “000,” “001,” “010,” or “011” (1, 2, 4, or 8 bpp). Palette lookup cannot used when the bpp field is
set to “100” (12/16 bpp).
For Passive Matrix (cfg_lcdtft = ‘0’), palette lookup is enabled when the bpp field in the Palette RAM is set
to “000,” “001,” “010,” or “011” (1, 2, 4, or 8 bpp). Palette lookup cannot be used when the bpp field is set
to “100” (12/16 bpp).
Palette lookup scenarios are illustrated in
When the bpp encoding is set to 1 bpp, each bit in a 16-bit frame buffer halfword is used to index the two
bottom locations of the palette RAM. Suppose the frame buffer bit value is ‘0', this ‘0’ indicates that the
address 0 entry in the Palette RAM should be read. If the frame buffer bit value is ‘1,’ the address 1 entry
in the Palette RAM is used. The resulting 12-bit output from the Palette RAM is the quantized pixel value
of a 4-bit per color component quantized pixel value.
When the bpp encoding is set to 2 bpp, every two bits in a 16 bit frame buffer halfword is used to index
the bottom 4 locations of the palette RAM. Suppose the frame buffer bit value is “00.” This “00” indicates
that the address 0 entry in the Palette RAM should be read. If the frame buffer bit value is “01,” the
address 1 entry in the Palette RAM is used. When the frame buffer bit value is “10,” the address 2 entry in
the Palette RAM is read. Finally, if the frame buffer bit value is “11,” the address 3 entry in the Palette
RAM is read. The resulting 12 bit output from the Palette RAM is the quantized pixel value of the 4 bit per
color component.
The 4 bpp encoding allows every four bits from a frame buffer halfword to address 16 entries in the
Palette RAM.
The 8 bpp encoding enables every byte from a frame buffer halfword to address one of the 256 entries in
the Palette RAM.
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
LCD Controller
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated