Prop_Seg Phase_Seg1 Phase_Seg2
“late” Edge
“early” Edge
Functional Description
If the magnitude of the phase error of the edge is less than or equal to the programmed value of SJW, the
results of hard synchronization and resynchronization are the same. If the magnitude of the phase error is
larger than SJW, the resynchronization cannot compensate the phase error completely, and an error of
(phase error - SJW) remains.
Only one synchronization may be done between two sample points. The synchronizations maintain a
minimum distance between edges and sample points, giving the bus level time to stabilize and filtering out
spikes that are shorter than (Pr Phase_Seg1).
Apart from noise spikes, most synchronizations are caused by arbitration. All nodes synchronize “hard” on
the edge transmitted by the “leading” transceiver that started transmitting first, but due to propagation
delay times, they cannot become ideally synchronized. The leading transmitter does not necessarily win
the arbitration; therefore, the receivers have to synchronize themselves to different transmitters that
subsequently take the lead and that are differently synchronized to the previously leading transmitter. The
same happens at the acknowledge field, where the transmitter and some of the receivers will have to
synchronize to that receiver that takes the lead in the transmission of the dominant acknowledge bit.
Synchronizations after the end of the arbitration will be caused by oscillator tolerance, when the
differences in the oscillator’s clock periods of transmitter and receivers sum up during the time between
synchronizations (at most ten bits). These summarized differences may not be longer than the SJW,
limiting the oscillator’s tolerance range.
shows how the phase buffer segments are used to compensate for phase errors. There are
three drawings of each two consecutive bit timings. The upper drawing shows the synchronization on a
“late” edge, the lower drawing shows the synchronization on an “early” edge, and the middle drawing is
the reference without synchronization.
Figure 23-15. Synchronization on Late and Early Edges
In the first example, an edge from recessive to dominant occurs at the end of Prop_Seg. The edge is
"late" since it occurs after the Sync_Seg. Reacting to the late edge, Phase_Seg1 is lengthened so that the
distance from the edge to the sample point is the same as it would have been from the Sync_Seg to the
sample point if no edge had occurred. The phase error of this late edge is less than SJW, so it is fully
compensated and the edge from dominant to recessive at the end of the bit, which is one nominal bit time
long, occurs in the Sync_Seg.
In the second example, an edge from recessive to dominant occurs during Phase_Seg2. The edge is
"early" since it occurs before a Sync_Seg. Reacting to the early edge, Phase_Seg2 is shortened and
Sync_Seg is omitted, so that the distance from the edge to the sample point is the same as it would have
been from a Sync_Seg to the sample point if no edge had occurred. As in the previous example, the
magnitude of this early edge’s phase error is less than SJW, so it is fully compensated.
Controller Area Network (CAN)
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated