Installation and Reference Manual
Field Descriptions
Installation and Reference Manual v3.2/0410/6
Screen Save Params
Enter as Idle Timeout (Secs),Night Start Time,Night End Time
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank on Idle enter the number of seconds that the handset
is to remain idle before the screen saver will appear, eg 900,0,0, or
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank at Night enter the time in 24 hour clock that the screen
saver will appear followed by the time in 24 hour clock that the screen saver will be removed eg
The name of the User to whom this phone is assigned.
Unassigned Phones
64 Domain Characters. Name of this phone.
Type of Phone
Name of the type of unit requesting registration
Serial Number
MAC address of this phone.
A phone that is permitted to register on the system
A phone that is waiting for permission to join
A phone that is not permitted to register on the system
Call Server
Name of the Call Server to which the phone is connected.
Unassigned Modules
Please refer to the field list for each Module from page 299.
System Name
64 Domain Characters. Name to identify the system. When licences are used this field must match
exactly the name provided with the licence keys.
Name to identify the supplier of the system. This field must be used when licences are configured and
must match exactly the name provided with the licence keys.
128 Characters. Text description of the system.