ABL77 Service Manual
Chapter 2: Analyzer Description
Sensor cassette
When a new sensor cassette is installed on the analyzer, the software will perform
an initialization procedure to prepare the cassette for use. This initialization process
consists of a preparatory hydration phase followed by a number of calibration
Cal1 flush is a preliminary flush to help expel air bubbles. A message “Please
wait….” appears for 10 seconds.
A second Cal1 flush allows the new sensors to be conditioned with calibration
solution. A message “Hydrating….” appears for 2 minutes.
Following hydration, the analyzer attempts a series of two point calibrations.
The number of calibrations performed is dependent on the results of each
attempt. The minimum number of attempts is 1 and the maximum number of
attempts is 4.
There are three failure conditions recognized by the software logic that
determine whether the initialization process continues or terminates, and what
messages are displayed. The three conditions are:
1. A single, mild sensor failure: One sensor sensitivity value falls between
50 – 100% of the minimum acceptable value. This is considered a
condition that may resolve itself with additional calibration attempts.
2. A single, severe sensor failure: One sensor sensitivity value falls between 0
– 50% of the minimum acceptable value. This is considered a condition
that is unlikely to resolve itself.
3. All other failure modes: Multiple sensor sensitivity values fall outside the
acceptable values, no endpoint errors are present, and other conditions
which may indicate air in the measuring chamber.
Following a successful initialization, the first auto calibration is scheduled for 30
minutes after initialization. Second and third calibrations are scheduled for 60
minutes after initialization and 120 minutes after initialization, respectively. From
this point calibrations follow the schedule entered in the
Calibration Schedule
screen under
Manager Setup / System Setup
Rev. F