ABL77 Service Manual
Chapter 5: Dismantling
The following items are required for carrying out these procedures.
1/16" Ball Point Allen wrench, REF: 920-722
1/4” nut driver, REF: 920-728
5/16" nut driver, REF: 920-727
5/16” open-end wrench, REF: 920-726
5/64" Ball point Allen wrench, REF: 920-721
7/64" Ball point Allen wrench, REF: 920-723
Flat head screwdriver
Small flathead screwdriver for adjusting the calibration settings
Phillips head screwdriver
Needle nose pliers
Scissors or equivalent trimming tool
Index card or equivalent to block the opto sensor
Deionized water (or sterile water)
Soft cloth, gauze or other absorbent material
3cc disposable syringe with luer adapter (can be found in the Sample Path
Obstruction Tool kit, REF: 905-674)
Rev. F