Chapter 4 Gateway Configuration
1. Go to Main Menu>Group Management>Class of Service.
2. Select a Class of Service from the list and click the ARS button to apply the
route you just created to the selected CoS.
3. In “Dialed String”, define your policy and procedure. You may input the
commonly used international access code and country code, such as
“01144” for calls to UK, or long distance access code and area code, such as
“1212” for calls to New York. You may also set a specific number
representing the digital trunk code such as “7”. The digit length shall not
exceed 28 and the string shall be a unique one.
4. Set the Minimum and Maximum Digits length of dialed numbers.
5. From the “Route” list, select a digital trunk route you would like to adopt.
6. When editing digital trunk ARS, skip the ”Delete” and ”Insert” items.
7. Click the Add button to increase this policy and procedure to ARS list. To
remove, select one from the list and click the Remove button.
You may also click the “Copy from” button and increase one by modifying