Chapter 2 Installing InterPBX Communication System
After you login the InterPBX Administration successfully, the screen will
display the main menu of InterPBX Administration website as follows:
6. Basic IP Settings
Go to Main Menu>System Configuration>General Parameters. Enter the IP
address, Gateway IP, and Subnet Mask that are assigned to your
Blaze/Savanna Server.
Please enter the SMTP Server IP address in the field SMTP Server and the
e-mail address in the field E-mail Account. When the Unified Messaging
function is enabled, the system can send the voice message file via e-mail
through the SMTP server to the extension user. You may also enable the SMTP
Authorization function if the SMTP Server needs to verity the e-mail account
and password. If you enable SMTP Authorization, please be sure to enter the
Account Name and Password.
If your Blaze/Savanna Server is installed behind NAT, select the checkbox of
“Behind NAT
and input your NAT device’s real IP address in “NAT IP
box. Click the Submit button to save and exit.