Chapter 2 Installing InterPBX Communication System
After you install the VG5000 Voice Gateway, you need to set the VG5000 on the
Blaze/Savanna Server. Please login the Blaze/Savanna Server and go to Main
Menu>Operation Management>General Information. Click “Add” and then
enter your license key to make sure the system capacity fits your needs.
12. Creating Analog Gateway List
After you install VG5000, you need to set VG5000 on the Blaze/Savanna Server.
Each VG5000 has a MAC address. You can see the MAC address from the label
on the VG5000 or from the VG5000 web or through Telnet. Please record your
MAC address in order to register to the Blaze/Savanna Server.
Access the Blaze/Savanna Server and login to the InterPBX Administration
Website. Go to Main Menu>Gateway Configuration>Analog Gateways. Click
the Add button to create an Analog Gateway.
13. Editing Basic Gateway Data