Chapter 8 Operation Management
3. Click Upload File button.
4. The software version of the backup file will be displayed by “Uploaded file
information”. Make sure it is the right version that you need. Click
Proceeding Restore Action button to continue the restore procedure.
After uploading system files to the system, the Blaze/Savanna Server needs to
reboot. Click Restart Now button to reboot the system immediately or later.
Note that there must be no ports occupied when the system reboots.
Application Upgrades
It is optional to upgrade the system with new releases or application software.
Before upgrading, save the new release or new application software on PC or
LAN environment where you can access the files for system upgrade.
1. Go to Main Menu> Operation Management> Application Upgrade.
2. Click Browse button and select the path and files for upgrade.
3. Click Upgrade button to upgrade the system.
You can also upgrade the software version for the Blaze/Savanna Server and IP
phones in this section. IP phones will load the latest version from
Blaze/Savanna Server automatically when connected to LAN. After the
upgrade procedure is complete, the Blaze/Savanna Server needs to be rebooted.
Click Restart Now button to reboot the system immediately or you can reboot
later. Note that there must be no ports occupied when the system reboots.
Upgrade VG5000 Voice Gateway
If you prefer to upgrade VG 5000 Gateway, select either Telnet or web browser
to log into the VG 5000. The default password is 1234 and the http port is 89.