Chapter 5 Extension Management
If the Off-Premises extension uses virtual IP, on remote NAT equipment,
you will have to open the Signal and Media Ports as well as setup their Port
If the Blaze/Savanna Server is also under NAT, please activate
Blaze/Savanna Server’s NAT setting then open the NAT router’s UDP port
6046. Please refer to Chapter 3 System Configuration/General
Parameters/Behind NAT, NAT IP Address for more detailed information.
Step 2. Settings on Remote IP Phones
1. Press the center Menu button of the IP phone. The LCD screen will show
EXT NUMBER meaning it is now in programming mode.
2. Press the Menu button again to start editing. Input this IP phone’s
extension number then press the Menu button again to save.
3. To scroll down to the next setting, press the button located just right to the
Menu button. The LCD screen will now show the IP ADDRESS input
screen. Repeat the above procedure to input the IP address for this phone.
4. Follow and repeat above steps to set up the Gateway IP Address and
Subnet Mask.
5. Next, scroll to PBX SERVER IP and input your Blaze/Savanna Server’s IP
address. If your Blaze/Savanna Server is behind NAT, input the NAT
device’s Real IP address at “PBX SERVER IP” instead of the virtual IP
address you assigned to your Blaze/Savanna Server.
6. Finally scroll down to “Off-Premises” screen and turn the option to “On”.
Step 3. Connecting IP Phones to the Internet
1. After finalizing the settings in step 2, connect the IP phones to the Internet
or LAN.
2. After you connect the IP phones to the Internet, the LCD of IP phones will
display “System Checking”, “Server Searching”, “Authorizing”, “Load
Setting” then finally display the extension number and the current system
After the first stage of installation, login to InterPBX Administration Web then
Main Menu>Extension Management>Off-Premises List where you can now
fine tune the extensions to be used. For more detailed information, please refer
to Chapter 5 Extension Management/Configuring IP Phones to configure user’s
information, Password, Class of Service, CODEC, Silence Suppression,