It is of the
importance that the front wh
correctly aligned, since incorrect steering geom ee 5 be
etry can
Driving fatigue, due to
impaired roadability
Increased tire and repair costs due to abnorm
of tires and steering mechanism.
If there is reason to suspect incorrect front wheel ali
ment as the result of an accident or of driving into tlfe
ditch, for example, or if road behaviour is noticeably im—
paired, the car should immediately be taken to an autho-
rized service shop for inspection and adjustment. Efen if
there is no direct reason to suspect faulty wheel alignment
the car should nevertheless be checked at regular intervals
and adjusted whenever necessary.
The angles and dimensions directly affecting the front-
wheel alignment, all of which are closely interrelated, are
the following:
King-pin inclination
Toe-in and
Wheel turning angles
Check that the tire pressure is correct and that the
front tires are not too unevenly worn.
Check the front wheel bearings, control arm bearings,
ball joints and tie-rod ends, adjusting or replacing as
necessary in order to eliminate errors that can be
mused by worn parts.
Check the steering gear and adjust any faults - see
section 642.
Check the function of the shock absorbers and renew
any defective shock absorbers and rubber bushings.
If the car has been involved in an accident, driven into
the ditch, etc, any damage incurred must be repaired
before the alignment check. Distorted steering arms
must be rejected and new ones fitted, as restraightening
Immediately prior to the check, drive the car with
rnal suspension movement but without hard cornering
reason, the car should also be rocked a few times.
The car must be unladen during the alignment check and
standing on a flat, horizontal floor, as otherwise measure-
ments will
All adjustment with shims must be kept within reasonable
limits. Deformation resulting from crash damage, etc,
must be
by thorough
realignment of the
Distorted control arms must be rejected and new ones
For checking wheel alignment there are various standard
tools, which are fitted either to the rim or directly on the
stub axle. Tool handling is described in the instructions
for each
individual tool.
When using axle-fitted tools on cars with a front
wheel drive, the wheels must stand on turn-tables
brakes during the course of the check.
1. Toe-in
2. Camber
3. King-pin inclination
4. Caster
Содержание 95 1967
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Страница 281: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H D MODEL 1967 371 3 March 1979...
Страница 283: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H D MODEL 1967 371 5 March 1979...
Страница 285: ...1 2 s 1 E s cilia 23 21 is x n __ web 13 _ 69 w 1967 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 USA MODEL 371 7 March 1979...
Страница 287: ...38 L 1 E l s 67 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 19 371 9 March 1979...
Страница 289: ...35 wit 5 I 35 I IIIII no eel E still we is WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1967 March 1 979 371 1 1...
Страница 291: ...March 1979 S WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1967 371 13...
Страница 293: ...DEL 1967 RING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO R H D MO WI 371 15 March 1979...
Страница 295: ...ODEL 1967 CARLO L H D M RAM MONTE WIRING DIAG 371 1 7 March 1979...
Страница 297: ...March 1979 Ili EEE late 67 ING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO USA MODEL 19 WlR S 1392 371 19...
Страница 299: ...March 1979 m BE EFTIII l i 18C 68 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H D MODEL 19 371 21...
Страница 305: ...o 7 371 27 March 1979...
Страница 307: ...March 1979 uni I176 EWEEEEE 68 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 19 371 29...
Страница 309: ...March 1979 V R n i m 9 O n m H II l u I Y _ Ill Ill 5 EEE ere E WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1968 S 1552 371 31...
Страница 311: ...March 1979 sessil WIRING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO L H D MODEL 1968 371 3...
Страница 313: ...l iiiiiii WIRING DIAGRAM DE LUXE USA MODEL 1963 371 35 March 1979...
Страница 317: ...iriii iill 0 MODEL 1969 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H 371 39 March 1979 an...
Страница 321: ...5 b canm___J 42 m r ll 0 s IMO when QEEBEEBE Em WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1969 March 1979 37143...
Страница 323: ...March 1979 E 42 E iflg gi ii it may iijiiiiiEJ gfea EM ill r m E W 69 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 9 371 45...
Страница 325: ...March 1979 3 5 Qt es 3 a 5 E rt 5 z _ a E 0 K i ll 15 tilts ts ii a me e m a 371 47...
Страница 327: ...30 Willi 5 1969 WIRING DIAGRAM DE LUXE USA MODEL 371 49 March 1979...
Страница 331: ...mm 3 Emmmw In 5111111111111 55 E up 5 5 iii _ 70 WlRlNG DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H D MODEL 19 371 53 March 1979 n...
Страница 337: ...March 1979 MODEL 1970 DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D WIRING m iijiiii W _ 371 59...
Страница 339: ...I rmi l llil e e March 1979 371 61...
Страница 341: ...gmagaa aaei Jiii D MODEL 1971 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H 371 6 March 1979 m...
Страница 343: ...March 1979 liIilli mm ii iiiiiiiiiiigija EEIEEEEE 3 __l I o jiiiii Iii em S 371 65...
Страница 345: ...Map d nan mmmi E5 g I I III T31 4 j a n 4 me 5 j 55 35 9 v 3 371 67...
Страница 347: ...March 1979 551 _ Ill MEEF ESP E EH iiii i l L WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1971 reiterate 9 371 39...
Страница 349: ...33 m 71 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB SEDAN L H D MODEL 19 371 71 March 1979...
Страница 351: ...March 1979 4 In Etna mil reiterate lam l WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1971...
Страница 353: ...ea in 3 or IE __ 1 an WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1972 1974 March 1979 371 75...
Страница 355: ...15 6 2 0 a 5 mm mm 72 1973 RING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 19 WI March 1979 371 77...
Страница 357: ...Ell um am iL 1 EL I L RING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1972 1973 WI March 1979 371 79...
Страница 359: ...lawman Iii y m a 371 81 MarCh 1979...
Страница 361: ...in 2 U 7 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 19 5 371 83 March 1979...
Страница 363: ...114 114 H II I ll I I J f H I M i 132323233211 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1975 371 85 March 1979...
Страница 365: ...mu m as gg m I WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1976 371 87 March 1979...
Страница 367: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1976 371 89 March 1979...
Страница 369: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1977 371 91 March 1979...
Страница 371: ...S 5769 1 911 V E m JH WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1977 8 March 1979 371 93...
Страница 373: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODELS 1978 AND 1979 371 95 March 1979...
Страница 376: ...TRANSMISSION 400 2 SAAB Enh 1 11...
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