An alignment jig with trueing-up tools and accessories to
fit both Saab 95/96 and Saab 99 cars has been designed
to facilitate
bodies damaged
cidents. There are two types of aligning jigs, one earlier
version and one later and more up-to-date version.
Alignment jig, earlier version
The alignment jig consists of a rigidly constructed frame
with plane surfaces containing a series of precision drilled
holes. Fixtures for accurate location of body parts can be
into these holes.
Special checking fixtures are
also provided; these are placed on top of the locating fix-
the car
is set
up on
the alignment jig,
possible with the help of the checking fixtures to measure
any deformation of the chassis attachment points with-
having to
parts of the
The alignment jig is provided with a pair of wheels to
make it mobile.
it need not be secured to the floor, but
in use it should be placed on a level surface with
the wheels removed.
Draw aligner, earlier verSIon
The draw aligner
out deforrrnzd
portions of the car body. It con5ists of a lever w
secured at the bottom by a chain to two of the legs of
the alignment jig.
A hydraulic pressure cylinders. at-
tached to the middle of the lever, and a draw 0
ainl IS at-
tached to the top. This arrangement makes the ma
pact and easily portable, and also allows the direjction of
pull to be varied within very Wide limits. The
aligner doesn't need to be anchored to the floor.
Before the trueing-up tool
is used it is mounted on the
alignment jig in the following manner:
Draw chain
Anchor chain
Pressure cylinder
Pressure beam
Hand pump
Select the desired direction of pull, first laterally by
positioning the draw aligner accordingly, and then
vertically by attaching the draw chain at a suitable
height on the lever.
Secure the draw
aligner to the
alignment jig
fastening both ends of the anchor chain to two of the
legs of the jig in such a way that tension will be ap-
plied to both halves of the chain.
Place the pressure cylinder against the pressure beam
and alignment jig, first locating it laterally with re-
spect to the jig so that the cylinder comes just about
vertically below the draw chain. Then adjust the verti-
cal position of the cylinder on the lever so that the
lines of the draw chain and pressure cylinder, if ex-
Содержание 95 1967
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Страница 281: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H D MODEL 1967 371 3 March 1979...
Страница 283: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H D MODEL 1967 371 5 March 1979...
Страница 285: ...1 2 s 1 E s cilia 23 21 is x n __ web 13 _ 69 w 1967 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 USA MODEL 371 7 March 1979...
Страница 287: ...38 L 1 E l s 67 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 19 371 9 March 1979...
Страница 289: ...35 wit 5 I 35 I IIIII no eel E still we is WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1967 March 1 979 371 1 1...
Страница 291: ...March 1979 S WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1967 371 13...
Страница 293: ...DEL 1967 RING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO R H D MO WI 371 15 March 1979...
Страница 295: ...ODEL 1967 CARLO L H D M RAM MONTE WIRING DIAG 371 1 7 March 1979...
Страница 297: ...March 1979 Ili EEE late 67 ING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO USA MODEL 19 WlR S 1392 371 19...
Страница 299: ...March 1979 m BE EFTIII l i 18C 68 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H D MODEL 19 371 21...
Страница 305: ...o 7 371 27 March 1979...
Страница 307: ...March 1979 uni I176 EWEEEEE 68 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 19 371 29...
Страница 309: ...March 1979 V R n i m 9 O n m H II l u I Y _ Ill Ill 5 EEE ere E WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1968 S 1552 371 31...
Страница 311: ...March 1979 sessil WIRING DIAGRAM MONTE CARLO L H D MODEL 1968 371 3...
Страница 313: ...l iiiiiii WIRING DIAGRAM DE LUXE USA MODEL 1963 371 35 March 1979...
Страница 317: ...iriii iill 0 MODEL 1969 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H 371 39 March 1979 an...
Страница 321: ...5 b canm___J 42 m r ll 0 s IMO when QEEBEEBE Em WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1969 March 1979 37143...
Страница 323: ...March 1979 E 42 E iflg gi ii it may iijiiiiiEJ gfea EM ill r m E W 69 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 9 371 45...
Страница 325: ...March 1979 3 5 Qt es 3 a 5 E rt 5 z _ a E 0 K i ll 15 tilts ts ii a me e m a 371 47...
Страница 327: ...30 Willi 5 1969 WIRING DIAGRAM DE LUXE USA MODEL 371 49 March 1979...
Страница 331: 3 Emmmw In 5111111111111 55 E up 5 5 iii _ 70 WlRlNG DIAGRAM SAAB 95 L H D MODEL 19 371 53 March 1979 n...
Страница 337: ...March 1979 MODEL 1970 DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D WIRING m iijiiii W _ 371 59...
Страница 339: ...I rmi l llil e e March 1979 371 61...
Страница 341: ...gmagaa aaei Jiii D MODEL 1971 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 95 R H 371 6 March 1979 m...
Страница 343: ...March 1979 liIilli mm ii iiiiiiiiiiigija EEIEEEEE 3 __l I o jiiiii Iii em S 371 65...
Страница 345: ...Map d nan mmmi E5 g I I III T31 4 j a n 4 me 5 j 55 35 9 v 3 371 67...
Страница 347: ...March 1979 551 _ Ill MEEF ESP E EH iiii i l L WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1971 reiterate 9 371 39...
Страница 349: ...33 m 71 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB SEDAN L H D MODEL 19 371 71 March 1979...
Страница 351: ...March 1979 4 In Etna mil reiterate lam l WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1971...
Страница 353: ...ea in 3 or IE __ 1 an WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1972 1974 March 1979 371 75...
Страница 355: ...15 6 2 0 a 5 mm mm 72 1973 RING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 19 WI March 1979 371 77...
Страница 357: ...Ell um am iL 1 EL I L RING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 USA MODEL 1972 1973 WI March 1979 371 79...
Страница 359: ...lawman Iii y m a 371 81 MarCh 1979...
Страница 361: 2 U 7 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 19 5 371 83 March 1979...
Страница 363: ...114 114 H II I ll I I J f H I M i 132323233211 WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1975 371 85 March 1979...
Страница 365: m as gg m I WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 R H D MODEL 1976 371 87 March 1979...
Страница 367: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1976 371 89 March 1979...
Страница 369: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1977 371 91 March 1979...
Страница 371: ...S 5769 1 911 V E m JH WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODEL 1977 8 March 1979 371 93...
Страница 373: ...WIRING DIAGRAM SAAB 96 L H D MODELS 1978 AND 1979 371 95 March 1979...
Страница 376: ...TRANSMISSION 400 2 SAAB Enh 1 11...
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