2-28 Setup and Operation
Default values have been loaded.
at “Continue” exits Setup and reboots your system.
If, during bootup, the BIOS program detects a problem in the integrity of values stored in
CMOS, it displays these messages:
System CMOS checksum bad - run SETUP
Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to Setup
The CMOS values have been corrupted or modified incorrectly, perhaps by an application
program that changes data stored in CMOS.
to resume the boot or
to run Setup with the ROM default values already loaded
into the menus. Other changes can be made before saving the values to CMOS.
Load Previous Values
During a Setup session, if a mistake has been made and has not yet been saved to CMOS,
the previously saved CMOS values can be restored.
Selecting Load Previous Values on the Exit menu updates all the selections and displays
this message:
Previous values have been loaded!
Save Changes
Save Changes saves all the selections without exiting Setup. Other menu selections can be
reviewed or changed.
Selecting Save Changes on the Exit menu saves your changes and displays the following
Changes have been saved
at “Continue” exits Setup and reboots your system.