KATANA S610M Inverter Specialized for Elevator Manual
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Factory Default
Figure 6-11 Relation between ASR step response and P/I
An increase of proportional gain P or integral constant I can accelerate dynamic response of the system.
However, overlarge P or I would cause system oscillation.
Normally, proportional gain P is adjusted first and increased without causing any oscillation, and then
constant I is adjusted to make the system response quick with little overstrike.
Figure 2-12 shows the step response curve when P and I are properly adjusted (speed response curve can
be observed through analog output terminals AO1 and AO2. Please refer to group F07 parameters.)
Figure 6-12 Step response with good dynamic performance
If P and I are not properly adjusted, overvoltage error might occur after the system quickly starts
to reach high speed (if there is no connection to external braking resistor or braking unit). Such error
is caused by the system’s regenerative braking energy feedback when the speed drops after
overshooting. The error can be avoided by adjusting P and I properly.
If quick system response is required for operating with load at both high and low speed, ASR
switching frequency (F06.08) can be set. Normally when the system operates at low frequency,