NetCol5000-A020 Air Cooled In-row Precision Air
User Manual
4 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 4-2
shows the amount of extra refrigerant to be charged when connecting to
NetCol500-A0324C11E0 T1 outdoor unit.
Table 4-2
Refrigerant configuration principle 2
Pipe length L
Gas pipe diameter
(mm)/Liquid pipe diameter
Extra refrigerant charge (kg)
0 < L ≤ 25
Extended length of the liquid
pipe (m) x 0.1 kg/m
25 < L ≤ 60
Extended length of the liquid
pipe (m) x 0.18 kg/m
Extended length of the liquid pipe (m) = Length of the liquid pipe (m) – 7.5 m.
If the length of one-way liquid pipeline is 30 m. The total amount of refrigerant charge (kg) = basic
refrigerant charge (5.7 kg) + extra refrigerant charge [ (30 m – 7.5 m) x 0.18 kg/m] = 9.75 kg.
Table 4-3
shows the amount of extra refrigerant to be charged when connecting to
NetCol500-A0384C11E0 T3 outdoor unit.
Table 4-3
Refrigerant configuration principle 3
Pipe length L
Gas pipe diameter
(mm)/Liquid pipe diameter
Extra refrigerant charge (kg)
0 < L ≤ 25
Extended length of the liquid
pipe (m) x 0.1 kg/m
If the length of one-way liquid pipeline is 20 m. The total amount of refrigerant charge (kg) = basic
refrigerant charge (7 kg) + extra refrigerant charge [ (20 m – 7.5 m) x 0.1 kg/m] =8.25 kg.
Charging in Refrigerant Oil
If the pipe connecting the indoor and outdoor units is equal to or shorter than 7.5 m, you do
not need to charge refrigerant oil. If it is longer than 7.5 m, you need to charge extra
refrigerant oil. The charging amount of extra refrigerant oil required can be calculated using
the following formula:
Amount of refrigerant oil (kg) = Extra refrigerant charge (kg) x 2.5%
4.2.2 Charging Refrigerant Oil
Check whether refrigerant oil needs to be added by referring to
Charging in Refrigerant Oil
4.2.1 Calculation Requirements of Chilled Oil and Refrigerant to Be Charged
. If not, directly
vacuumize the cooling system by referring to
4.2.3 Vacuumizing