NetCol5000-A020 Air Cooled In-row Precision Air
User Manual
5 System Operation and Maintenance
Issue 01 (2014-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 5-11
Location of solenoid coils
(1) Solenoid coil on the liquid solenoid
(2) Solenoid coil on the hot gas bypass
valve Replacing the Solenoid Coil on the Liquid Solenoid Valve
Step 1
on the main menu, switch off the main circuit breaker QF1 and the front end
circuit breaker.
Exercise cautions when performing operations on the equipment because the equipment is
under power.
Remove the rear door and the air filters when switch off the main circuit breaker QF1.
Step 2
Lever the solenoid coil in the liquid solenoid valve using the flat screwdriver, and pull the
solenoid coil together with the junction box out of the cabinet.
Step 3
Remove bolts using the Phillips screwdriver and pull out the junction box. Install the new
solenoid coil and secure bolts.
Step 4
Fix the solenoid coil onto the sleeve using bolts.
Step 5
Install the air filters and rear door if no problem is found.