STE 85412
series Robot Controller
Step 2: Execution of cycle reset
To reset, press the [EXE] key in succession. To cancel reset, press the [ESC] key.
Use label RCYCLE in a desired step of the main program. Also, specify the
GOTO RCYCLE command just before the END command so that the END
command of the main program will not be executed.
Output Signal Reset
Functional Explanation
Turns off all of the user external output signals (DOUT(1) to DOUT(164)). The hand
signals (201 to 204) are not turned off.
Operating Procedure
Step 1: Selecting output signal reset
Press the [SIG] key.
Step 2: Execution of output signal reset
To reset, press the [EXE] key in succession. To cancel reset, press the [ESC] key.
Execution File Reset
Functional Explanation
Resets an execution file. This function is used to re-select an execution file and to
terminate the test operation mode.